Chapter 10: The new gem

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            "My own sister, would want to hurt me, why" I asked terrified that my sister would be that drunk with power. "Are you surprised, Astrid she searched you room just to find and take your gem " Tina said. "Astrid do you know what your sister will do if she gets your gem, and she gets the power of the world"Andrea said. "That's your power, how, why, I didn't think you were that powerful"Tina said surprised. "Astrid can you show me some of your powers, please please please" Tina begged. "Well Astrid you do need to practice, just in case"Sunny said. I knew what the just in case was, it was in case my sister went even further in her plan.

       "Well ok I'll show you a few things" I said to Tina. Over the course of an hour I showed Tina a few things ( animal transformation, invisible, blinding light). "Wow that's so cool, you know you could be famous, let me just get my phone out" Tina said forgetting that my power was a secret. Before Tina could ever turn her phone on, with a movement of my hand I sent her phone flying across the room. "Hey what's that for"? "Do you remember that my powers are a secret, sorry about the phone though" I said sadly. "Ya you should be that was a new phone"Tina said madly.

"Um Astrid can we talk for a second please" Andrea asked, "ya" I said. "Astrid I've been thinking and I think that Tina should get a gem". "What really, we'll give her a blank gem, why" I asked confused. "Astrid we need all hands on deck, and I think Tina will help". "Ok but how do we know she has powers, do we just give her a gem"? "You're going to give me a gem, you're going to give me a gem" Tina squealed in excitement. "Well Tina we've been thinking and we'll see what happens" Andrea said hopefully that Tina wouldn't squeal again. "Yay I get my own gem" Tina squealed again against Andrea's best efforts.

"Windy do you mind getting Tina a blank" Andrea asked. Windy tried to get one with her powers but sadly it failed, so Sunny got one for her. "Remember Tina you might not have any powers" I said trying to be encouraging. "Ya ya" Tina said grabbing her gem out of Sunny's hands, and putting it on.

          It looked like nothing was going to happen, and nothing did until I seen light start flow out of the gem. The light flowed down and around Tina. The light started dim, when all the light was gone Tina started to appear. When Tina finally appeared I seen she was wearing a dress that looked like Eve's and a gem that looked like the elements.

       "Oh my gosh, that was amazing, so what power do I have" Tina asked so excited. "Tina you have powers like Eve, you can control the elements" Andrea said a little happy. "Great we have another gem, wait why didn't I get a dress with my powers" I asked a little nervous.

          "Well Astrid we have two theories about that" Luna said a little nervous. "One we think that the gems are connected to your personality" Luna continued. I'm not a girly girl that's probably why I don't have any friends and why Luna was saying the stuff about me. "Two it is said that the savior, you, will once have mastered their powers or in a time of need, will not need her gem". "Also the dresses are connected to the gems, so you being the savior don't need one"Luna said.

"Savior, your a savior of what" Tina asked. "Oh ya well".... "Now there you are Tina, oh and hi Astrid" heard my sister say. I turn my head and seen Sarah standing in the doorway. "Hi everyone, I guess I should have looked here first, thank you Tina for finding my sister for me".

I touched my gem and tried to start running in my red fox form, but Tina caught me and held me in her hands. "Thank you again Tina, now hand me her gem" Sarah said holding out her hand. "Tina no you don't have to do this, stand up for yourself" I begged. "I'm sorry Astrid, I have to she more powerful than me" Tina said sadly taking off my gem and giving it to Sarah. "Now thank you again Tina, now you can go" Sarah said starting to put on my gem. "Can't I stay" Tina asked starting to put me down.

"Fine you stay, just be quiet". I knew I was no use here, so I started to walk up the stairs. When I was up all the stairs I walked outside and it started to rain. "Great Sarah's got my gem, and the gems and the whole world is in danger and its all my fault" I cried to my self as I walked in the rain.

To be continued

The gems of powerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora