•8• The Jousting Match ft. More Filler

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"POSITIONS!" Kirby screamed. Meta Knight remained where he was standing, and Galacta Knight took a few steps back. Sailor Dee and Bandana Dee had given up on trying to stop the situation, and were now watching the preparation for the jousting match, their game of cards forgotten.

"I GOT THE POPCORN!" Sword Knight announced proudly, walking outside with a large bowl of popcorn. "HERE IT--Oops!" Sword Knight suddenly tripped and fell, sending the popcorn scattering everywhere. "OH NOOO!!" Kirby screamed. "5 SECOND RULE!" King Dedede screamed, running over to the popcorn and gathering as much as he could. "Ew." Kirby stuck his tongue out in disgust. "Dedede, a dog could've...sorted out its business in that spot for all you know."

"Eh." King Dedede shrugged before stuffing his face with popcorn. "Oh, I'm fine, but I appreciate your concern," Sword Knight scoffed as he got himself up. "You're welcome!" Kirby smiled before turning back to Meta Knight and Galacta Knight. "Aaaanyway, jousting match."

"We need horses, though," Galacta Knight pointed out. "We don't have horses," Meta Knight scoffed, rolling his eyes. "I will be your horse, Sir Meta Knight!" Sword Knight exclaimed.

"What? No, that's not what I--"

Meta Knight didn't get to finish his statement, as Sword Knight ran over to him and picked him up. "There," Sword Knight said as he settled Meta Knight onto his shoulders. "Now you have a horse!"

"Thanks..?" Meta Knight asked. "Anything for you, Sir!" Sword Knight responded cheerily.

"Well, I still don't have a horse!" Galacta Knight pouted. "Hmm..." Kirby said as he looked around. His gaze eventually settled on Magolor, who was busy juggling Bandana Dee's bandana and Sailor Dee's sailor hat. The two Waddle Dees were below him, pleading for their hats back. But Magolor was floating just out of reach of them. "Yo! Magolor!" Kirby called.

"What?" Magolor asked, looking over at Kirby as he continued to juggle. "You wanna be Galacta Knight's horse?" Kirby asked. "Do I have to..?" Magolor groaned. "You'll be contributing to Meta Knight's pain," Kirby pointed out. "Oh! Why didn't you just say so, then?" Magolor tossed Bandana Dee and Sailor Dee their beloved hats, then floated over to the other four.

" 'Kay, now that that's sorted out... JOUSTING TIME!" Kirby announced.

"HELP!" Blade Knight suddenly screamed. Everyone turned to look at him. No sooner than he had called for help, Blade Knight sunk into the water. "Idiot..." Meta Knight muttered, shaking his head in disapproval.

"Well, since nobody else is gonna save ya', I guess I will," Dedede sighed as he walked over to Blade Knight. He effortlessly grabbed Blade Knight and placed him by the side of the pool. "Th... Thank you, King!" Blade Knight gasped.

"Eh. You're my Knight." Dedede shrugged. "No I'm not," Blade Knight said. "But thank you for saving me anyway!"

"What..? Yes you are!" Dedede looked confused now. "You're my Knight... Right?"

"No, Your Majesty," Blade Knight replied as he stood up. "I am Meta Knight's Knight."

"That's not possible..." Dedede scratched his head. "Meta Knight can't have Knights, 'cause he is a Knight! And Meta's my Knight, anyway."

"Meta Knight isn't your Knight, either," Blade Knight said.

"Then why does he live in my castle? Huh?" Dedede asked.

"Uh, because he pays rent." Blade Knight answered like it was obvious. "Ergh... Nevermind," King Dedede mumbled, turning away from Blade Knight.

"Alright, alright!" Kirby called. "Enough with the random filler events! The author's been thinking that these chapters are getting way too long, so he's trying to shorten them!"

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