•1• Kirby Goes to McDonald's

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One day, Kirby was feeling hungry, so he decided to walk into McDonald's. It was there that he had the unfortunate incident of meeting Ronald McDonald.

"Hi there little girl!" Ronald laughed creepily. "A ha ha ha ha!!"

"AHHHH!" Kirby screamed. "And I am not a girl!" He added as he ran into the bathroom to hide.

Kirby locked himself in the bathroom, panting heavily. "Oh gosh," he thought. "That dude is scary!"

Suddenly, a loud blurp came from the toilet. Kirby turned around to see his best friend climb out of the toilet. It was Bandana Waddle Dee. "Oof, hey Kirby," he said, shaking some toilet water off himself.

"Um... What are you doing in the McDonald's bathroom?" Kirby asked. "Er... Nevermind that," Bandana said, looking nervously to his left. "What matters is that we need to get rid of that clown, in order for you to get your Chicken Mcnuggets!" Bandana declared, his gaze meeting Kirby's again.

"Yeah!" Kirby agreed. "Here you go," Bandana said, handing Kirby a sharp, shiny, golden sword. Kirby recognized it as Meta Knight's. "Um... Won't Meta be mad when he finds out that you took his sword?" Kirby asked.

"Uh..." Bandana trailed off, then wordlessly took another sword out of the toilet. This one was a sharp, shiny, silver. "Let's go!" He yelled, pointing his sword in the air. Then the two of them ran out of the bathroom with their swords, screaming wildly.

To them, it was like going into an epic battle. For the people that were eating at McDonald's, it was like watching two spazes that just had a ton of candy and soda and were now running around and playing some imaginary game involving swords.

"WHERE IS THAT CLOWN?!" Kirby screamed. "WE MUST DEFEAT IT!" Bandana added. They ran in circles, screaming for Ronald McDonald.

Sure enough, after a few moments of screaming, Ronald McDonald showed up. "Well well well... What seems to be the problem, girls?" He asked, his smile still really creepy.

"DIE!" Kirby screamed, slashing at Ronald's face. "Yeah, DIE!" Bandana yelled, slicing at the clown as well. They both went psycho with their swords. When they finally stopped, panting for breath, they saw that Ronald was dead. "HOORAY!!" They both shouted.

But the funny thing was, Ronald McDonald bled Chicken McNuggets. Kirby happily ate them, and Bandana happily absorbed them through his face. But then, Meta Knight ran up to the two.

"Kirby! Bandana!" He cried. "Stop!"

The two stopped eating the Chicken McNuggets to look up at Meta. "What?" Kirby asked innocently. "Do you have any idea what they put in those?!" Meta asked. "No..." Kirby said.

"This," Meta Knight said, taking out a printed picture of strange, pink, gooey stuff. "Ewwww!" Kirby screamed immaturely. Bandana's eyes went wide, and he ran into the bathroom to puke. Or, well, at least attempt to. Well, it's not like he has a mouth... (How does he even talk?)

"And give me my sword," Meta Knight added, grabbing his sword and walking out of McDonald's.

"Well," Kirby thought. "It's a good thing ol' Mety showed up to stop me from eating that crap."

Then he went back to eating it.

Do not make the same mistake as me. Do not look up Chicken McNugget ingredients on Google Images. You will never eat them again. Same thing goes for hot dogs. And supermarket meat. And pretty much everything else you eat. The Government controls all our food!

The Adventures of Kirby and Bandana Waddle DeeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin