•4• The Meal at Wendy's

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rip I'm getting a headache from being on my laptop for so long. It's so painful... I wanna type more stories but my head hurts.

So, um, yeah. That's why this one is pretty short.


That was what filled Wendy's restaurant as Kirby and Waddle Dee forcefully munched on their salad. Wendy stood over them, smiling creepily as she watched them consume their meals. "So, how is it?" She asked every five seconds, to which Kirby would reply with a small nod.

After a while, Kirby looked up at Waddle Dee. "I take back what I said earlier," he mumbled. "Ronald McDonald was better."

"EXCUSE ME?!" Wendy screamed. She did a table-flip in her rage. "How dare you!"

Kirby and Waddle Dee sat with wide eyes, now tableless.

"Gosh!" Wendy scoffed. She flipped one of her pigtails back and stomped away.

"Pffff," Kirby scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Dramatic, much?"

"Uh... K-Kirby?" Waddle Dee asked, his eyes wide as he looked at something behind Kirby. Kirby turned around, and let out a panicked "AH!" at the sight of Wendy behind him. Wendy held a bazooka, most likely filled with lettuce.

"OH CRAP RUUUN!" Kirby cried. Waddle Dee threw himself at the window and splatted against it. His plan had been to crash through it with swag and run away, but it failed.

Wendy began firing lettuce from her bazooka. "AHHHHHHHHHH!!" Kirby screamed as he ran back and forth, trying to dodge the lettuce. "Stay still!" Wendy snapped, but Kirby kept running. "AHHHHHHH!!"

"Halp," Waddle Dee said, his voice muffled by the glass. "My fashe ish shtuck."

"AHHHHHH!!" Kirby continued screaming. "Would you freaking stay still?!" Wendy yelled. "Nuuuuu!" Kirby cried.

Wendy continued to try and shoot Kirby for the rest of the afternoon. She finally gave up when the sun started to set.

"Ugh!!" Wendy groaned, tossing her lettuce-bazooka on the ground. She turned around and stomped off. "Let's get outta here," Kirby whispered to Waddle Dee, whose face was still stuck on the glass. "Mah fashe ish shtuck," Waddle Dee replied with a mumble. "Oh, um... Hang on, buddy!" Kirby cried.

He ran out the door and over to the outside view of the window Waddle Dee was stuck on. Kirby pulled out Meta Knight's sword that he'd had from earlier and sliced a circle around Waddle Dee.

Waddle Dee splatted on the floor, the glass still stuck on his face. "Itshtill shtuck," Waddle Dee said. Kirby was about to help him, but he caught sight of Wendy. She was wheeling a large cannon out from behind the counter. "OH CRAP THERE AIN'T NO TIME FOR DAT!!" Kirby screamed. He picked up Waddle Dee and dragged him as he ran far, far away from Wendy's.

"I shtink we can shtop now."

Kirby finally stopped running upon Waddle Dee's request. Unfortunately, the glass was still stuck on Waddle Dee's face. "Ahh," Kirby sighed, out of breath. "Ya' wanna go home?"

"Eh," Waddle Dee shrugged. "I'm shtill kinda hungry."

"We can go toooo..." Kirby said, looking around for a restaurant. Eventually, his gaze settled on a Subway restaurant in the distance. "We can go to Subway, if you want."

"Okay, we can get shubs there," Waddle Dee agreed.

The two trotted off in the direction of Subway, where they would hopefully have a normal meal.

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