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I screamed as I fell, lost in the tumble of wooden beams and planks. My hands were still tied behind my back and without them, I had no way to brace my fall. I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the impact. My bones would splinter and break into a thousand pieces. My skull would crack open against the ground.

But when I landed, it wasn't on the cement floor, or on top of the sharp edge of a wooden beam. I landed in someone's arms. I was almost scared to open my eyes, but I did so anyways. I could not have been more shocked to have been greeted by the face of the handsome stranger who had asked for a demonstration of my power during the parade.

"Wha-wha... how?" I stammered, utterly bewildered.

"Explanations can come later. Can you stand?"

"I don't know. They did something to me."

"Yes I know, they drugged you."

"What? How? How do you know?" I asked, my voice and my thoughts still sluggish.

He set me on my feet and though I was still slightly shaky, I was pleased to find that I could hold myself up. He made quick work of untying my hands and undoing the knot around my neck. I was surprised I hadn't been strangled in my fall.

"We haven't been formally introduced," he said and began to pull me along with him. "My name is Hector Kyran, Crown Prince of Anavae. I would recite the full title for you, but we're supposed to be running for our lives. Also, shut your mouth. You'll catch flies."

I quickly snapped my jaw shut, at a complete loss for words. It didn't help that my mind with still foggy from the effects of whatever they had used on me. Was I hallucinating? If not, I decided my ears must've been playing tricks on me. I must've been hearing things. Or he was lying. There was absolutely no chance that the Crown Prince of Anavae was helping me escape. The idea was absurd. The prince was a spoiled brat who got upset over the loss of parties and finery. Not... a revolutionary. I wasn't about to blindly accept this without doubt. But I could figure it out later. Whoever he was, prince or not, he was helping me escape and that was all that mattered in the moment.

We made several turns before the light had faded and the darkness enveloped us that I realized where we were. Underground tunnels that ran the length of Anavae. No one knew how long ago they had been dug, but they were rumored to be inescapable. Ne tenebrae ves totum sivan labyrinthum comedat. An old saying that roughly translated to mean, do not let the darkness swallow you whole, or the labyrinth will consume you. Even though using them would probably be advantageous in these endless wars, no one dared to enter them. I looked nervously in the direction of the where the light had been but Hector led us without hesitation.

"Do you know where we're going?" I asked, trying to keep from shaking as I followed blindly along.

"Oh ye of little faith."

"Forgive me for asking, I wasn't aware you had night vision." I muttered.

"I used to explore here when I was little. My mother forbade anyone from using the tunnels when she discovered."

"Why are you helping me?" I suddenly asked, the words spilling from my lips.

"Because I think my sister was wrong to sentence you. I don't believe you're evil. Now stop." he commanded.

"That's not a very convincing reason." I told him, warily coming to a stop.

I flinched at first when I felt cold fingers wrapping around my waist. He hoisted me up and set me back down just a few steps away. I was about to ask him why he had done that when suddenly the weight of his body crashing into mine knocked me over.

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