Chapter 25- White Hot

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Gracelyn's POV-
I'm still unconscious but my voice and mind are not. My voice is screaming in pain. The pain is so intense it's burning my brain. My mind is swimming with thoughts which are occasionally blocked out by the white hot light. I can feel my body becoming more adjusted to it's surroundings, but I know when I completely wake up I'll be in more pain then I've felt.

3 hours later-
I wake up. The pain washing over me screaming louder then I've ever screamed. Chopper runs over and checks on me.
"Gracelyn you're awake"
I just keep screaming the pain is so intense.
A little while later I'm able to calm down and steady my breathing.
"Chopper... Water" I cough
He races over to a water glass and I drink it up quickly.
"How.. Long have I been out"
"Almost 2 weeks"
"Was I screaming the whole time"
"For the most part"
"Jesus I'm so sorry I have to apologize to everyone" I say trying to sit but my ribs say no
"You can't move, you're body is unstable but your body needs to move. I brought you some clothes I can help you put them on" he says. He stands me up, with minor screams escaping my lips. He helps with the bra but I can tell he's struggling. Little Innocent Chopper helping a woman get dressed. I reach back and stress my ribs causing them to start burning again. My screams threaten to escape but I bite my lip extremely hard to stop them. Chopper helps me put my underwear and leggings on. My bandages cover most of my body. I have bandages all the way from my ankles to my chin. I look a mess. My hair is greasy and my skin is a sickly pale green. That's not really what I care about at the moment though. Chopper pulls over a black long sleeved shirt and my jacket and hands me a pair of wooden crutches. I slowly but surely get used to them and the pain they bring to my body. My muscles were so extremely tight it feels nice to relax them. Chopper opens up the door and I feel the sun hit me blinding me momentarily. I look out onto the deck to see everyone happily going about their day when Sanji calls out
"GRACELYN-SAN YOUR AWAKE" he says happily eyes turning into hearts!!!! Everyone turns towards me with huge smiles which I return. I slowly make my way down the steps but not without pain. Kaito Keiko, Usopp, Chopper, Luffy, Nami and Sanji and crying tears of joy and Zoro, Robin and Franky look beyond happy. Ace appears out of the darkness with a grin on his face.
My smile slightly falters at the sight of him. It's true that he did as he promised, but he lead them to me. Even though my children are alright, I was planning on my death, and I hate to have my plans faltered. I stand there uncomfortably. The bandages are skin tight to my skin and they're rubbing against my wounds which hurts quite a bit. I tip sideways not falling but my crutch hits the deck with a loud smack causing everyone to look up.
"Sorry, Chopper is there anyway I can take these bandages off? They're so bothersome" I ask
"GRACELYN ARE YOU STUPID! You almost died because of those wounds. Do even realize the damage it's done to your body" Chopper asks angrily and worriedly.
"I'm not concerned about my body. Its scarred and ruined as it is. Its just a vessel. My soul is more important and I'm uncomfortable in these bandages. Plus I can't fight in these" I say nonchalantly.
They all stare, slightly startled by her words.
"Graclyn-san you're body is exhausted. You cant fight not for awhile" Sanji says.
"I don't like having people protect me. In fact I hate it. I can defend myself, Chopper let me take them off" I say starting to get angry
"I can't your wounds are no where near sealed" he says.
I shift around uncomfortably in my bandages knowing Chopper is right. I hang my head in defeat shifting again.
I eat dinner alone and head into an uneasy sleep.

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