Chapter 2- The Insight of My Past

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15 years ago-
One of the things that any young child looks foreward to.

Their birthday.

I was finally 5 and I was so excited, because today father and mother were taking me out to dinner.

I got to wear my extra special pink party dress and my mom did my hair.

Everyone said how cute I looked.

My dad got me earrings, ones I still have to this day, and my mom got me a necklace with a picture of all of us in it.

My younger sister was so jealous.

"How come she gets to have jewels" she whines.

Even at 3 she had a very good vocabulary, everyone expected us to do amazing things with our lives.
My father knew how much I enjoyed the art of swordsmanship.

So when I was 4 he started teaching me.

I learned very quickly.

Everyone was quite surprised with my skills.

I of course thought nothing of it since it came so easy too me.

My father was an amazing swordsman.

Anyway that next morning I expected to hear my mother in the kitchen and my father was supposed to take me down to the dojo this morning.

I went to their room to see why they were being so slow, but I saw a sight no child or person should ever have to see.

My parents had their heads completely chopped off and dried blood had seeped into the groud surrounding them.

I was so terrified I didn't know what to do.

I just grabbed my sister and ran down to my aunt's house.

I banged on the door, the tears already starting to fall down.

"Grace what's wrong aren't you supposed to be at the dojo with your father" My aunt Lei says opening the door looking down at my teary face.

She instantly knew something was wrong, because I never cried, even when I broke my arm and two ribs fighting with the older boys I still didn't cry.

She rushes us into the house.

"Mother and father are dead" I say with a stone cold voice.

"Wha... What" she asks looking at me like I was confused.

"I'm not mistaken, I saw it, there heads were off and there was blood everywhere" I say with no feeling's whatsoever.

She looks at me in horror.

"Don't worry I didn't let Annabelle see, I came straight here"

And after that she called the police who did whatever it is they do and we were left in her care.

She took amazing care of us, no doubt about it.

She loved us like her own.

But she grew sick when I was about 8 and Annabelle 6.

We took care of her and got her a doctor but they said there was nothing they could do.

She called me into her room alone.

"There's something I was going to give you when you turned 10 but I might as well give to you now" she says sitting up and wincing in pain.

For the first time in awhile I feel an emotion.

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