Chapter 16- 24 hours

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After everyone went to bed that night I layed in bed tossing and turning.

I couldn't sleep I was so worried about my birthday.

Tommrow is the fateful day. I got out of bed and quietly threw on a pair of jeans and my coat.

I take my gun and sword and walk out onto the deck. I breathe in the cold air, tinging my cheeks and nose pink.

I walk into the forest and start walking around. Thinking about everything that's happened so far. I've met amazing people

. I'm finally going to be able to get my revenge and have the weight lifted off my shoulder. I find a huge beautiful tree in the middle of the forest and lay against it.

I apparently fell asleep cause when I wake up I hear voices screaming my name.

I stand up and a fresh layer of snow falls off of me.

I dont quite understand how my body didn't freeze.

I walk out of the forest still weary eyed and climb up the ship
"Why are you calling for me" I mutter shivering a bit.

"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU, WE ALL WERE SO WORRIED" Nami yells hugging me. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

"I took a walk and must have fallen asleep, I don't die easily, you shouldn't worry about me" I say.

"Are you enjoying the snow" I ask them.

They nod and go back to playing in it. I fall back against the snow.

I bask myself in the cold wetness of it. Snow has always been something I've loved. I feel fresh snow falling heavy on my face. At the rate it's falling down, I'm bound to be buried in to soon.

"We've got company" Sanji yells out.

I immediately sit up grabbing my kids and giving them to Nami.

I thought it would be the Marines but is the villagers.

"Why the hell are you still here you bitch" one of them call out

"You're a murder, get out or we're calling the Marines" another yells.

Everyone else on the deck looks pissed and ready to fight, but I just hold my hand up at them.

I hop off the boat walking to the group.

"Oi Gracelyn what the hell are you doing" Zoro calls out.

"I appreciate your guy's enthusiasm, it's nice to see a village working together" I say smiling walking back and forth.

"It must be quite the burden to have had such a horrific criminal born and raised here, and for me to come back, well I'm surprised you haven't already sunk our ship" I say laughing.

The man in the front grabs my collar and pulls me up to his face. I hear the crew jump down off the boat.

"Bitch, don't stand here and taunt us"

"Oh but why not, it's fun" I say giggling

He throws me to the ground pretty hard but I could be less hurt.

I stand up and brush myself off.

"Well you get straight to the point don't you? Look bastards, I'm not here to play childish games. Tommrow night I'll be gone. What happened to Takashi was his own fault if he wouldn't have attacked me I wouldn't have had to kill him." I say throwing off my coat and pulling my wrist bandage off showing them the damage.

They look in disbelief, but this would never be enough to make them believe me.

I could record it and they wouldn't believe me.

"If you'd like to fight, I wont say no, but you know you cant beat me, none of you can. I'd really like to save my energy for tommrow anyways, so please be on with it" I say.

I hear a gun go off but before I can even go for my sword Zoro had jumped in front of me slicing the bullet in half.

"So you want to fight, if you're going to fight her, you'll also be fighting us" he says

"Thanks Zoro" I say and stand next to him.

They glare at me but leave knowing they can't fight let alone me and certainly not all of us.

I watch them leave smiling as I see them walk away knowing how pissed off they are.

"You shouldn't go pissing them off, you could've been killed" Zoro says.

"I know, I apologize. But I already told you I don't die easily" I say climbing back up the ship.

"You never know when you could be killed"

"I know that, I'm not scared of death, I've come so close to it to many times to count" I say

"Just be careful, I don't want you harmed" he says

I give him a small smile and we head to lunch.

Everyone but Nami and Usopp are there. Both of them out in the village buying supplies for the party tommrow.

After we eat I head out onto the deck with my kids.

We play in the snow together and I say

"Tommrow you guys is a serious day. You have to protect yourselves. If anything should happen you need to watch over each other and keep the other safe. I will not let anything happen to you, but if something should go wrong protect yourselves do not worry about me. I'll be fine. This is something no child should have to deal with and I apologize for having to put this on you." I say as we finish making our snowman.

"Don't apologize mom. I won't let anything happen to Keiko" Kaito says happily.

"And I wont let anything happen to oni-chan" Keiko says happily.

I smile at them. My entire world standing in front of me

. Just then I feel a heavy weight fall on top of me. I look up to see Zoro's face extremely close to mine.

His extreme blush is so cute.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Gracelyn" he says

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING ON TOP OF GRACELYN-CHAN" Sanji calls out from somewhere.

"It was an accident I slipped on the ice" he say extremely embarrassed.

"It's fine, but you shouldn't tease girls you know" I whisper in his ear making him blush.

Dinner was not fun. Between my anxiety about tommrow and Zoro's and Sanji's continuing intense fighting I couldn't concentrate.

I lay in my bed that night tossing and turning. Extremely uncomfortable.

I eventually fall into a uneasy sleep knowing what tommrow is going to be.

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