Chaster 18- Him

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"So you decided to try and fight me" his deep dark voice says. He stands up on the crushed table. I stand up brushing the rubble off me. I feel blood falling from my head and arms. I pull a piece of glass out of my arm and throw it down. Everyone had jumped out of their seats looking shocked but getting ready to fight.
"I will kill you and that's final" I mutter coldly
This is the first time I've seen him. His face is scared and he looks skinny and weak but I know he's everything but.
"Why the hell are you here" Sanji yells out.
"To collect my fee of course"he says laughing. I straighten my back and my anger takes ahold of me.
He just chuckles looking over at me.
"You want to know? You want to know why I've taken everyone that's ever mattered to you?! Because your life caused me to be taken from the ones I loved! When you were born I was cast aside because I wasn't as shiny and new as you."
"What the hell are you talking about"
"I'm your brother Gracelyn"
I stare up at him. My own brother would do this to me. Kill our parents? Our sister?
"What... What no that cannot be possible"
"Believe it or not, I really don't care. It's because mother and father thought I had problems. They abandoned me. Basically left me to die. They thought you were perfect. Beautiful and smart even as young as you were. They didn't know how smart I actually was. I remember when I came to kill them the look on their faces" he says laughing.
"YOU BASTARD" I scream pulling out my sword. I don't know if it was my intense anger or the fact that he was too good, but I missed and was flung back and hit the wall this time feeling my rib shatter. The immense pain and the anger confuse me.
"I've come back to steal what is your's again. And I'll continue until I die"
My eyes blurry and falling in and out of consciousness. I look over to see the crew fighting but he was very skilled and able to block most of the attacks. I see Chopper even in monster form flung across the room and knocked out. How is he so strong? I fade back into consciousness amd stand up stumbling.
"Look how stupid you look" he laughs. I turn and walk towards pulling out my gun shooting at him with every bullet in the gun. It just flies back off him causing me to have to dodge them. I pull out my sword and slice over and over again, yet each time he dodges the slice. Everyone else is watching in fear.
"You'll never ever touch them" I say finally landing a blow on him. I realize this is no normal human. His body is iron, so my blade isn't doing much, the poison is the thing doing anything. It seems to be melting into the iron but he doesn't seem to be effected.
"I won't" he laughs?
With that he picks me up by my throat throwing me against the wall with such force I hear the wall crack underneath me. I stand back up with everyone looking at me in horror. I have blood dripping down from almost every inch of my body.
"I will do everything in my power to protect them you BASTARD" I scream. I run at him sending my strongest attacks at him, but they don't seem to be doing anything.
"You're being such a nuisance. Just let me complete my task and be on with your life" he says pulling out a sword and slicing it through my chest and sending my flying. I reach the net of the crows nest and grab onto it before I fall into the ocean.
I watch as Sanji and Zoro run towards them both using extremely strong maneuvers but failing almost completely. They both fall to his sword, chests splurging out blood.
No... This isn't happening.
I jump down from the net smacking my feet extremely hard against the deck of the ship.
"I'm your enemy bitch, fight me not them" I mutter staring at him darkly.
"Gracelyn-sama no.." Sanji mutters lifting his head up lightly.
"Shut up and rest you're hurt" I mutter at him my eyes steady on him.
Robin wraps her hands around his body as if to hold him back but she lets go almost immediately.
"What's wrong Robin" I ask worriedly.
I look over to her and she's on her knees.
"Oh so you're a devil fruit user" he asks
"He's made of sea prism stone" she mutters weakly.
He walks over to her and places his hands around her neck weaking her.
"STOP IT" I scream. I pull my sword and send it through his body. It goes through and he drop Robin and looks at me stunned.
"Fight me! Leave them alone"
"GRACELYN WE WANT TO HELP" Luffy screams from behind me.
"Luffy don't touch him! You'll lose your strength" I scream and push him back. Franky comes up in front of me and sends attack after attack. I run over to Sanji and Zoro who seem to have regained strength and are back on their feet.
"Please stop him." I whisper to them
"We will we won't let him kill -" Sanji starts.
"Not him. Luffy, stop him"
"What why" Zoro asks this time.
"I know what to do now, I cant have him getting in the way. This will hurt me, but if it even reaches him it'll destroy him"
"Gracelyn what are you going to do" Sanji asks.
They both look up at me worriedly.
"Please" I say
I turn and see Franky thrown across the room crushing the wall and breaking it.
"Well you were a fighter" he says brushing off some dirt.
He looks a lot more defeated but no where near being finished. I walk up to him up and stand in front of him sword and gun in hand.
"You again? You just dont know when to give up do you" ?
"I'm done with your games" I mutter angrily.
"Give it up already girly"
"I will NEVER BACK DOWN, YOU WILL NOT HURT ME ANYMORE" I scream furiously. Hoping Zoro and Sanji have held Luffy back and turn around and face the wall. I turn back around and see the rest of the crew awake and staring in fear.
"Fight me with all your might girly you will not defeat me" he laughs. I pull my sword out and turn my gun into the poisoned dragger on the end of it. With my dagger on the sword I can prepare the attack. I stand back and close my eyes. I open them and he's standing in front of me.
"Gotcha" he says swiping his hand in front of me. But instead of touching me he gets a handful of poison. He screams in shock and pain.
"I can control the poison as I please, I'm not going to play games with you anymore" I say my eyes black. The crew stares in shock.
"I will make you feel my anger, my pain. I will get my revenge even if it costs me my life" I send poisoned slices towards him hitting his weak spots and weaking him immediately. He pulls his sword out and sends attack after attack my way, but I'm able to block it as if it were air" I put my sword down and he appears out of thin air and slices my arm but the force knocks me against the wall and I'm knocked out.

Survivor- A One Piece fan-ficOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara