Chapter 19- My nightmare

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Did he say what I think he did? I listen downstairs for 4 presences but I only here 2 unmoving ones. I look up in horror and drop my weapons
"Gracelyn what's wrong" Luffy asks looking at my terrified face. I run down to the deck and look to see the door of the lower deck wide open. I run into see them. Nami and Usopp are unconscious. I pick them up and put them over my shoulders searching for the kids. I race out of the lower deck, bringing Nami and Usopp out laying them in the moonlight as Chopper runs over to them.
"THEY'RE GONE!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY" I scream the panick starting to fly in. I turn to my brothers body.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO THEM" I scream at his dead body crushing it under my boots. I grab his body and throw it overboard. I'm terrified. I turn around and see them. My babies. Bloody and unconscious.
I scream a blood curdling scream and everyone turns towards me in shock. I drop to my knees next to them and listen for heartbeat. I dont hear one.
"NO GOD NO!!!!!!!!! PLEASE GOD NO!!!!!! DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN" I scream. The tears just don't come. I expect them too, but its been so long since they've fallen.
I stand up and walk away from the bodies backing up until I hit the wall.
I grab my sword and gun and jump off the boat hearing the crews screams for me to come back. The salty water hits my already poisoned wounds, but I ignore the pain. I have one thing on my mind. Death. My death. I failed. I completely failed. I swim to the island we were docked a little away from. I hear the crews screams for me and them all hurrying to get me. I climb onto the island, my body frozen from the water and now the air. I find a small shed and drag out a boat and oars. I tie them to a post in the the water and pull out a set of matches. I go to each of the houses in the small villages burning their houses. Causing screams to erupt from the people. I climb aboard the ship and sail out to the next village I find. My mind not thinking of anything other then my destination. I reach the next village by daybreak and get to my task. I look like a monster, even though the water had washed off my blood, the cuts I already had were bleeding again. I pull my sword out at the first clothing store and make the manger leave. I rip my burnt dress off and put on a pair of black leggings and a green sweater. I throw my jacket on over it and tie up my dirty black boots. I pull my long hair into a ponytail and get to my task. I plan to turn myself in to the World Government, but I'll need to leave a trace of my destruction before I leave. I know they'll find out about my actions. Hopefully they'll raise my bounty. The people who survive the flames will call the marines. They all know who I am. What a terrible human being I am. They don't think of me as a pirate just a despicable human being. Not that I care. He was right, I no longer have a purpose. My existence is no longer needed nor do I want it. I burn the village down and get on my way. According to the map their are only two more villages till the Naval base. I reach the next one that was much bigger then the two before it. This is gonna take much longer. Its already late afternoon and my body was exhausted, dehydrated, poisoned, infected and sick. I will die. Even if I'm not slain by the Government I'll be killed. I climb out of the ship and walk into the town hearing the screams as I walk in. They know who I am, and the blood on my body only makes it worse. I steal gasoline from a local store and spray all surrounding buildings. The houses and stores I can't reach the gasoline will catch on fire quickly. I throw matches into each of the gasoline filled buildings. I walk to my boat watching the village engulf in flames. I reach the last village by night with ease. The people are waiting for me. As is the Navy. I hop out of the boat and tiredly slay the people and the soliders. I burn their houses and walk back to all the bodies. I place all the bodies on the Marines boat and climb aboard. Having this ship I'll be able to infiltrate easier. By the next morning I can see the marine base slowly forming. I've gone 3 days without sleep now. With everything else effecting it my body is feeling the full effects. I sit outside the base waiting till night to enter. I remember everything thats happened to me. The pain the losses the torture. After awhile I can see the sun setting. I must have been sulking for quite a long time. I direct the ship into the base and dock it in one of the ports, the Marines are gonna find all the bodies but they won't know who did it. Oh well they'll find out soon.

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