I've been talking to Jeremy everyday since Winter formal. I still don't know what to think about him and this "friendship" he claims to want.

Me: Same to you.

Jeremy: Do you have plans tonight?

Me: Yeah.

Jeremy: Damn, okay.

Me: Why what you trying to do?

Jeremy: I wanted to know if you wanted to restart the tradition.

Way back when I was still dumb and was dating Jeremy I would spend the day with The 3 then at night I would sneak out and meet Jeremy and we would just walk and talk ending up in places we didn't even know existed. Then come back just before sunrise.

Me: That was so long ago.

Jeremy: I know but I thought we could get back to how we were but you are busy so never mind.

Me: Oh okay.

Honestly his offer was tempting but I have priorities, I can't just think about myself anymore. I shook off the thoughts and continued to get dressed which took some time because I stopped for a snack and forgot that I was supposed to be getting dressed. After I was done and completely dressed with hair and shoes I made my way to the living room rubbing circles on my protruding belly. I'm about 5 months now.

"Mama, are you ready?"

"Yes. Here I come."

She stepped into the living room and my jaw dropped to the floor.

"Mama you look amazing."

"You think so?" She asked smoothing out imaginary wrinkles in her dress.

I nodded lost for words. She was wearing a strapless, navy blue, sheer and lace chiffon styled dress with perfectly matched shoes. With the jewelry I got her for Christmas. Her hair was in huge ringlettes falling over her shoulders.

"You look great Mama."

"Thanks Ivy."

"You ready to go?"

"Yes. I'll grab my coat on the way out."

I led the way to my car and she followed locking up the house.

"My father won't be able to keep his eyes off you." I said while driving.

After I thought about what I had just said it occurred to me that she wanted exactly that.

"Mama, don't start anything tonight."

"Ivy. I don't plan on doing anything. I really had to convince myself to even go tonight so I figured I should look good since I am seeing him after all this time."

It made sense but she wasn't fooling me. I know what she has going on in her head. I just hope this night goes well.

I pulled into the driveway hesitantly. I was starting to think that this was a bad idea and I should just take us back home.

"Come on Ivy we have to face this." Mama said trying to convince herself more than me.


I turned off the car and wrapped my coat closer around me as I stepped into the cold weather. We strode up to the door ringing the door bell. Mama stood further behind me seeing as though nobody knew she was coming or even alive. The door opened and the warmth enveloped me.

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