Chapter 5

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Rachel's pov

"Finn is the type of guy who is semi-nice but still a mean popular if you know what I mean. He sits with the slut cheerleaders that we showed you and his girlfriend is Quinn Fabray" says Mercadez

"But we all know he doesn't want to throw slushies and be rude" says Mike

"Wow" I say and then as if Kurt was reading my mind again he gave me a sorry look. It was like we were best friends for life already

Kurt: Semi-nice quarterback

Mercadez: Egotistical

Tina: King

Mike: Jock

Artie: (A/n: figured out how to actually spell his name lol) Coward

Jesse: LOSER!!!!

We all look at Jesse very weirdly

"What?" He asks

Rachel: Nice.

Everyone looked at me weirdly now.

"He seems like a nice guy" I say

"Yeah but his reputation seems to take over" says Tina "We would love for him to join our group but we all know he would never do that" she continues.

"Okay enough of this seriousness" Kurt says as he closes the book "let's talk about the sign up sheet I saw on the build board today" he continues.

"GLEE CLUB!!!" They all yell

"We should totally join!" Cheers Artie

"We could but we need 12 members and there's only 7 of us" says Jesse
(A/n in this FF Jesse and Zises will stay in glee club permanently)

"Well maybe if we join then other people will join" says Tina

"Maybe" Kurt says

"So it's decided. We'll join glee club!" Cheers Mercadez.

Next day....

"Sing along to my stereo....

I singing as I get out of the shower. I'm practicing because today is the day me and the group audition for glee club and we have to make sure all of us get in. I get dressed eat breakfast and go to school. As I get in I see the build board and a sheet of paper that says "Sign up for glee club today!" I take out a pen right my name with a golden star in the end.

"Hey...." Says Finn as he walks to my locker

"Hi?" I say

"Look how many times do I have to apologize about the slushy thin-" I cut off

"Listen Finn, I have an idea about who you are. You want to popular but you don't wanna throw slushies at people. I get it. But if you want me to forgive you then you have to change" I say

"How?" He says

"By..... Signing up for glee club" I say. I close my locker and walk away from him. God I hope he'll join!

Finn's pov

All day, all day I have been thinking about joining glee club. I mean on one hand, it's the only way Rachel will forgive me for throwing that slushy at her and I always loved music but in the other hand everyone will make fun of me! I was stuck in Spanish watching Jesse and Rachel be all lovey dovey to each other and that really made my decision!

Kurt's pov

I started off the auditions with "Some people" from "Gypsy" (A/n: on the top with the pic of Jesse. Next chapter will be the song the next person sings and a pic of a character), then Tina and Mike auditioned together with the song "L-O-V-E", then mercadez sang the song "Beautiful", after that Artie sang "Dancing with myself", and Jesse sang "High way to hell".

After that we were only waiting for Rachel and she sang "Don't rain on my parade". We all knew she sang good but we didn't know she sang THAT good! Then some people came that I really didn't expect.

Quinn's pov

"I wanna join glee club" he tells me

"WHAT?!" I yell. No boyfriend of mine will ever join glee club!!

"Look it's for a friend ok?" Finn tells me

"What friend?!" I ask


Noah's/Puck's pov

"What?!" I yell at my best friend

"Please?! Finn asks

"Why do I have to do this anyways?!" I ask

"So Quinn will let me join glee club" Finn explains

"Why do you wanna join anyways?" I ask cooling off a little

"So you're sister will forgive me" Finn says. At that point I got a lot more angrier.

"WHY DO YOU WANT MY SISTER TO FORGIVE YOU?!" I ask getting angrier by the second

"Because I feel so bad for what I did to her the other day" he says

I sigh "Fine" I say "but why don't you tell her what's really going on?" I ask

"Because if I have one friend that's a girl she'll freak just like how you did when you found out Rachel had a boyfriend" he says

"Not funny dude" I say

"So are you in?" He asks

I sigh "Yeah I guess"

Santana's pov

"Please guys?! I can't risk Finn being in the same room with all those girls" Quinn asks

"Even if they don't have a chance with him?" I ask

"I saw him looking at Rachel a lot lately" she says

"Well this school needs a lot more trophies and I sing better then everyone in the world so I will definitely win them for glee club" says Brittany

"Okay fine!" I finally budge in. I guess I'm gonna be a glee loser.

Finn's pov

"Hey Finny!" Quinn yells to me as I close my locker. God I hate it when she calls me that

"Yes?" I ask slightly annoyed

"You don't have to worry about being alone in glee club because I signed up!" She says

"WHAT?!" I yell

"Yeah. Aren't you happy?" she asks

"Look Quinn, I love you but we spend every second of the day with each other. I just need some space" I say. Lately she's been very clingy

"So you don't wanna be with me?" She asks

"Of course I do Quinn but I need some personal space" I say

"Whatever I'm joining" she says

Slushied by the love of my life a finchel FFOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara