Chapter 4: P.J

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NOTE: Narration are in Italics and please leave some feedback. Thank You.

Aaron Spelling owns everything.

Chapter 4: P.J

Prudence Johanna Halliwell also known as P.J is the eldest of three from Phoebe and Coop. Just like her mother she took a interest in Martial Arts and she is very good at it. She has shoulder length hair that is the color of brown sugar and eyes that are almond round that seems to twinkle a honey brown when in the light. She has a shy personality when it comes to boys but when she's around her friends; she's the most outgoing and energetic person you would ever meet.

"Yes mom, I am on my way to karate as we speak."

"You was supposed to be there fifteen minutes ago."

"I know mom I had to get off the bus because it broke down twenty blocks from the karate school. I had no choice but to get off."

"Okay but just make sure you get there and now you going to have to stay late. You know I don't like you out late at night."

"Mom I can take care of myself and you know that."

"I know but can't your mother still worry about her child. Your not an adult yet. Your only 14."

"I know mom but I will call you when class ends to let you know I'm on my way home."

"Okay sweetie and P.J be safe."

"I will mom. Love you."

"Love you too."

"I never thought she would get off the phone. I really don't feel like walking these twenty blocks. I guess I'm going to beam myself over there."

P.J looks behind her and to the side of her to see if anybody is around before she ducks into the alley. She notices the area is clear and she goes into the alley behind a dumpster to beam herself to karate school. After she beams herself into the girls bathroom stall in the locker room; she peeks her head out to see if anybody was in there before she able to get out. She left the bathroom and changes into her karate uniform and gets scared by her friend Rachel.

"Rachel you nearly scared me half to death. Don't creep up on me like that again."

"Sorry P.J. I thought I was alone in her and then I heard some noise so I went to see what it was and it was you. I didn't even see you come in."

"I've been in the locker room for a while. I just wanted to be alone since I'm barely alone at home."

"Yeah I feel you. Your sisters are getting on your nerves again?"

"Yeah the usual."

"Well you better hurry up and get on the floor cause you know Sensei does not like it when people are late."

"I will be out there in a sec. Let me just lock my locker."

After locking her locker, P.J leaves the locker room to begin her class. The class starts off with warms ups, a few laps, and then they begin the lesson. P.J normally don't mind the warm ups but today it seems to bother her like everyone else especially Rachel who hate warm ups. P.J feels out of breath just like Rachel and that never happens to her. She just figured she was having a off day but she doesn't know what's really happening to her.

"So we sparring today since we didn't yesterday."

"That's what it looks like to me P.J."

"So I wonder who Sensei going to put up first. You know he always does the knock out sparring."

Charmed: The Generation of New ProtectorsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora