The Entire Silverton Clan

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I woke up to a shrill squeal. " Julianna! What in the name of vampires are you doing in bed with Stephan Silverton!" Julietta hissed as I stumbled out of bed.

" Julietta, shut up, we didn't sleep  together! Stephan get the hell out of bed!" I whispered harshly, trying not to raise my voice. Stephan rolled over and groaned before clambering out of bed.

" Julianna, calm down, we haven't done anything wrong!" Stephan exclaimed, picking his shirt up from the floor and dressing in an annoyingly calm manner.

I huffed, disbelieving, " You're an idiot. What happens when my father finds out that we're together? What happens when yours do? They'll push for marriage and it's too soon. We'll end up old and resentful." I replied, my voice steadily rising. Julietta stood silently in the corner the whole time, never speaking up, just watching me ruin the only good thing that had happened to me in a long time.

" So marrying me is something you'll resent? You'll resent being with me? Nice, Julianna. Nice." Stephan spat, pulling on a jacket and jumping out of the window.

" That is so not what I meant, Stephan!" I yelled after him, " I just think marrying without being together for long enough is asking for trouble!"

I didn't see Stephan for weeks following our argument but I decided that he deserved his space, I did text him after a few days telling him that I'd be waiting for him when he decided he was ready to talk.

My father and Connie had been in many secretive meetings together and had outright refused to tell me anything about the plans of defence against Him, which is why I was astounded when my father called me into his study to talk about their plans. " So what's happening, has there been any new information?" I asked as soon as I entered the room, momentarily forgetting that my father was a King and my human cousin was present.

" We have a plan, but I doubt you'll like it. It involves you living up to your role as Princess and following orders." My father replied, a hint of a smirk gracing his face.

" That sounds very 'me' orientated." I replied, cautiously, half resigned to the plan already.

My father chuckled slightly before explaining the plan. It was...a good plan...other than the fact that I had a huge chance of dying.

Over the next few days myself, Connie, my father and the rest of my family (other than my mother), alerted the other families (Other than the Cassidys) of the threat and the plan. " Julianna, the Silvertons will be staying here for the next few weeks, it is a part of our plan, the Regantos will be staying with the Cassidys, would you greet the Silvetons for me? I have no time and your sister is busy with Tommy." My father didn't need to tell me why Julian couldn't greet the Silvertons, he had been sent to collect our grandparents.

Julietta had decided not to tell our parents that she was pregnant. Not in the midst of a possible war. We had discussed it and decided that we'd tell them when she started showing, in about a month. Vampire pregnancies are simultaneously similar and different from human pregnancies: A vampire pregnancy progresses slower than a human one for the first four months but the next four move along a lot faster, meaning that vampires give birth at around eight months rather than the human nine.

Following my father's orders I walked, with a straight back and the regal air that came (as much as I hated it) naturally to me. It was something that I had noticed was different about me compared to my siblings, I had the same power as my father to hold the attention of a room and essentially make myself look a lot more confident than I was. The doormen opened the doors and I stepped out onto the large front steps just as the Silvertons arrived.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2015 ⏰

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