The Tightening Ropes

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He could hear the knights rustling to the left of him and their groans from trying to untie themselves. Morgana's magic hasn't weakened, Merlin thought and then he tried to free himself but had no such luck. He didn't want to use his magic again, especially in front of the others, but it was the only option. He had to face them someday. He muttered a spell under his breath and wiggled his arms but he was still stuck. He tried it again and again, each time his voice getting louder until finally he gave up and leaned back against the tree. He looked over at the knights who were already staring at him. Then he made eye contact with Arthur. Gwaine was the first one to break the silence.

"You ok Merlin?" he asked.

"I've been better" Merlin joked but his smile faded. His head hurt and then he remembered about the cut and sighed. He inhaled deeply and tried the spell again and shifted his body left and right to free himself but the ropes only tightened. He felt weak and helpless and he hated how Morgana was still getting to him despite her unconscious state. He continued to try for a few more minutes and soon he was shouting the incantation at the top of his voice. He held back the tears in his eyes and tried to keep himself calm but his frustration got the better of him.

"Merlin" Gwaine yelled above Merlin's voice. "Merlin stop, calm down." Merlin listened to him and tried once more and then stopped.

"I can't do it" Merlin said, exhausted.

"Maybe it's the wrong spell" Gwaine said and the other knights stared at him and Merlin shook his head.

"It's definitely this one. I'm sure of's worked before" he said, confusion crossing his face. Gwaine didn't know how to respond, he knew little about magic. "Damn you Morgana" Merlin muttered.

"I thought Merlin was supposed to be a powerful sorcerer" Percival whispered to Gwaine who replied with a shrug.

"I guess magic has its limitations" Arthur joined in but his tone was slightly bitter.

"I can't believe he's made it this far" Gwaine said with a tone of admiration. Arthur stared at him, waiting for him to continue. "Look at him. He must've faced Morgana many times and he's still here which shows he's beaten her. And he's capable of doing it again." Gwaine said this slightly louder to ensure that Merlin heard. If Gwaine couldn't offer him any magical advice then at least he could show he believed in him.

Merlin thought long and hard. Maybe a mixture of spells together, he thought. He looked over at the others. "I have an idea." Everyone turned to face Merlin, including Arthur. "Mordred was working with Morgana and they both have magic. The ropes were enchanted. Only I have magic but I'm alone."

"Merlin what are you prattling on about?" Arthur said and Merlin tilted his head to one side.

"If you would let me finish dollop head you will know" Merlin said and Arthur raised an eyebrow. "As I was saying, the magic used to enchant the ropes came from two magical bodies. This might strengthen the bond therefore, my magic alone cannot counteract it."

"So you're saying we need another magical being" Gwaine said and Arthur muttered "great" sarcastically.

"Exactly" Merlin said. "I don't know if it'll work but it's the best I've got."

"Ok anyone here secretly a sorcerer too" Elyan grinned and Gwaine winked.

"Do you know anyone Merlin?" Leon asked and Merlin nodded. "How do you find this person then?"

"Who said anything about it being a person" Merlin smiled and the knights looked at him in confusion.

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