Chapter 1 - Best Friend

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This story is disturbing. Very young readers, pregnant women and readers with weak hearts and stomachs are not advised to read on.

My name is Sarah Fernandez. 16 years young and I love chilling out with my facebook. I love it because I have 100,000 plus followers, maxed out friends and I feel like I'm already a celebrity coz I'm so famous. I decided to stop by at the library with my best friend, not to study but to do some tweaking with my facebook and luckily the wi-fi's speed is just fine.

"Sarah! Hmmp? facebook again? don't forget we have a quiz later."

"Nah! I'll just copy with your answers. You're cool with that right? bestie!?" I smirked!

She's my best friend Suzie. She's a smart girl and she's my source of info during quizzes and assignments. Not on exams though, because she's scared of getting caught.

"You're lucky coz I'm your best friend." She smiled.

"I know right? and because of that let's take a selfie." I moved close to her.


She started resisting the selfie.

"No, no! stop! aurggh!" She resisted while using the book to cover her face.

"Suzie! Come on girl! Why are you so afraid of taking selfies with me? You're even prettier than me."

I tried persuading her for like an infinite times already but she just pinched me and gave me her annoyed facial expression. Not to mention but Suzie is a camera shy so she always had her hand covered on her face in almost all of our selfies. She only used her favorite anime, Chihaya from Chihayafuru as her profile picture.

"I just don't like it best! We're not even eighteen you know? What if.."

She's being paranoid again. I wonder what makes her feel so insecure.

"Hello? What year are we in hipster? like duh? Even a toddler takes selfies"

For the nth time I failed persuading her to take a selfie with me.


Our school bell rang. Our class is over now. I can't wait to go home and update my facebook account again.

"Bye Sarah! Take care! delete that photo ok?" Suzie waved at me with a worry face.

"Okay! But promise me we're going to have our BFF selfie on your debut."

"Uhmm! I'll think about that."

Her response left me poker face.

Nice. I got 50,000 plus likes on my new profile picture. I'm so happy. I got so many notifications and messages. I have to text Suzie and tell her about this. Huh? 5 missed calls from her already? I have to call her.


She's not answering. Maybe she's asleep already. I haven't felt the time but it's already 11:30 pm. Oh well, I have to wash my face before I go to sleep. They say washing your face after using computer will make you blind but I don't believe that though. YOLO! After washing my face, I picked up my face towel and gently wipe it on my face. And that's our beauty regime for tonight folks. LOL. I startle with what I saw in the mirror's reflection.

"Suzie! You're here! How did you..?"

I turned around but, she's nowhere to be found. That freaked me out. Her face looks like she's asking for help. Is this some kind of premonition thingy? Nope! Those kinds of stuff only happens in horror movies. Is she playing a prank on me?

"Suzie?.. Bestie? yohoo! I see you!..."

I tried flipping the curtains, look under the bed and then open my closet but no sign of her. Is she going to jump scare me any minute by now?

I called her but no response. No ringing of her phone in my room. That's kind of weird. Maybe that was just my imagination. I hop back to the computer and check her facebook account.

"What? Did she just unfriended me or she deactivated her account?"

I'm feeling that something's not right. A facebook bug maybe. Maybe I should call her tomorrow.

[SEMPTEMBER 18, 2014, 8:30 a.m., morning Bedroom]

I checked my phone and there were 3 more missed calls from Suzie and 4 missed calls from an unregistered number. I'm worried so I called Suzie. This time it's a different voice.

"Hello? Suzie?" I called in a worried tone.

"Hello? Sarah is this you? It's Suzie's mother. Did my daughter sleep over at your house?"

"Oh, Auntie! No, she didn't. But she did gave me 8 miscalls last night. Did something happen?"

"I checked her room but she's not there. Her laptop was on and her room was messy. I wonder what happened."


"Where could my daughter be? I already contacted the police. I have a hunch if she's not with you she might have been abducted."

I can tell by the tone of her voice that she's about to cry.

"Don't worry Auntie, I'm going to help look for her."

[School 2:30 p.m.]

It's our turn to report today in our arts subject about "Aesthetics". It's supposedly worked by pair but Suzie's not here so I have to be the one to report. Most of the time, when we do reporting, my part is to just click the slides of the power point presentation. I'm nervous to speak in front of the class specially she's not around. Suzie's a really good speaker. If she was here, this reporting would go so well like a pro 11/10 rating. But, I must do my best in behalf of her.

[Library 4:00 p.m.]

"Phew! Reporting's done! Classes done! Guess what Suzie! Mr. Grumpy Gorilla in our Arts subject praised me. I have to update my happy status right now!"

I opened my facebook account again using my phone at the library and what I saw in my news feed made me cringed.

Suzie changed her profile picture and cover photo. I freaked out with her profile picture. It was her with bruises and blood all over her face.

Her right eye was gauged out leaving it hanging on her right cheek and her left eye rose up where only her whites are visible. Her mouth was opened with almost all of her teeth were plucked out. It left me speechless and terrified.

"Su---Suzie..? Haaa..-aah?"

"Oh God! Who would do this?!"

It gave me a lot of shivers and made my eyes drenched in tears. I'm so scared. I know a lot about photo editing that I know what's real and what's not and by the looks of it, I know it's real and unfiltered. Her cover photo was a black background with a big red text with a bloody type of font saying: PLEASE LIKE THIS PHOTO.


[To be continued]

Creators note: So, I decided to publish this again and tried my best to fix mygrammar errors. Let me know your thoughts in this 1st chapter. I would appreciate your feedbacks. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2015 ⏰

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