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A tall figure strode down a dimly-lit hall, wearing a tall, pointy hat and a long gray robe, and carrying a twisted wooden staff. His footsteps on the stone door echoed wildly, bouncing down the hall. Finally, he stopped at a door and tapped it with the butt of his staff.

The door swung open, revealing a golden-haired dwarvish woman. She looked up at the tall figure and motioned him past the door. He obeyed, leaning down to fit through the short doorway, and the woman closed the door behind him.

"Gandalf," she said, wiping her hands on her apron. "I thank you for coming. My brother... he thought highly of you."

"Why have you asked me to come?" Gandalf said in a private tone.

"I seek your council," the woman replied. "You see, something rather unexpected has come up. ..."

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