Chapter Forty-Two

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Jack POV

The definition of insanity is repeating the same action over and over again expecting a different result. At this point in my life I have tried way too many times to get Kelsey Jennings to like me. And almost every time, I get verbally assaulted. It's a quality I learned to love, but desperately feared when she was an unwilling participant in one of my schemes. This wouldn't exactly be the first time I kidnapped Kelsey and brought her somewhere without her knowledge. Each time I would get yelled at, my arm would get squeezed, but then we would eventually wind up having an awesome time. That's not the part of this that threatens my sanity; the newly matured Kelsey Jennings in the seat next to me with her arms folded and a scowl on her face is the thing that's messing with my mind. Kelsey and I barely worked in Omaha; we didn't work on tour; and we didn't work in New York when we ran into each other again. We've done this thing before and it only ever left us both heartbroken. I shouldn't be aching to spend as much time as possible with her, now, after everything. My reoccurring feelings are doing nothing but complicating everything. Kelsey Jennings, the great love of my life, should be left alone to be free and happy and rid of me. A better guy would be able to smile at his old girlfriend, exchange pleasantries, and easily walk away. I may be different than the asshole that she dumped three years ago, but I still wasn't that good of guy to let her get away a second time. Selfish, maybe, but she was incredibly necessary to continue breathing.

"We aren't seventeen anymore, you know," Kelsey chirped on my right.

Here we go.

"I'm not just going to willingly go somewhere with you. We can't just pick up where we left off," she demanded. "It doesn't work that way."

I ignored her words. "Do you like French food?"

"Don't try to deflect the problem that is currently unfolding. I want to go back to my hotel!"

"So, you're not at all hungry after the rehearsal dinner that only served French food?" I raised my eyebrows.

Kelsey clamped her mouth shut. My question before had been rhetorical—I knew Kelsey wouldn't touch any of the expensive, imported foods Fiona had served for her special night. Not only did I know Kelsey well enough, but the loud noises her stomach was making added to my suspicions that she was starving.

Kelsey crossed her legs. "I can just order room service."

I clicked my blinker on and turned down a familiar street. "Are you inviting me back to your hotel room to eat room service with you, Ms. Jennings?" I teased.

Her face became beat red and she shot daggers at me. "Of course not." Her hands smoothed down her dress and she added, "We should not be alone together. In a car or a hotel room."

I eyed her curiously. "And why is that?"

Kelsey bit her tongue. I could tell she didn't want to elaborate and risk making things more awkward, but a part of me wanted her to speak up. I wanted us to get out whatever feelings we've been holding in for the past years. It's the only way to move on.

Deciding not to push her too much now, I allowed our car ride to fall back into silence. I hadn't planned to take Kelsey out tonight, so when she ended up in my car, I could only think of one place to go—Bettys. It was open 24 hours and served the best diner food in our town.

Kelsey snorted when she saw the sign. "You're taking me to the place where you accused me of being a whore?"

Fuck. I'm not used to having our memories follow us anymore. "I'm taking you to the place that has incredible pancakes."

Kelsey submitted, her stomach not really giving her an option to refuse the prospect of food. We stepped out of the car, undoubtedly looking out of place in our evening wear and headed inside the empty diner. Kelsey slid into the booth across from me and quickly averted her eyes to the menu. I wanted to start a conversation, but I couldn't think of anything to say. I wanted to press her about her reluctance to be near me. I wanted to get more information on this supposed 'boyfriend' back home that she may or may not still be with. But most importantly, I wanted us to fall effortlessly back to where we had once been. It happened for a split second in the bathroom earlier tonight, but it ended way too quickly.

A Spotlight Summer (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now