Chapter Six

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who has been reading! Make sure to comment and vote! Sorry this chapter took long, I'm on vacation!

Jack POV

It’s been over twelve hours and I still can’t stop replaying the elevator in my mind. What the fuck made me say those things to her? Did I think that would be a turn on—a random boy she’s known for less than a day confessing that he has no idea why he likes her but can’t stand to be away from her? What the fuck was I thinking?

I wasn’t thinking, that was the problem. But now, last night, the only thing I have been doing is thinking. Thinking about the elevator and Kelsey and how I needed to see her again. Damn it we were in an elevator for god knows how long; I should’ve gotten her number. No, no I shouldn’t have. I have only known her for a day! What the fuck is going on with me?

I really need Johnson. Because Johnson would have never let me go over to her hotel last night. And he definitely would have never let me go over there again right now.

Avoiding the elevator, I took the stairs to her room, which I persuaded the front desk to give me. People in this town will tell anyone anything as long as you pull a little southern charm on them.

Shit. I should’ve dressed better. I looked down at my outfit and I took in my black and white tank top, black shorts, and black vans. Maybe I should have worn something with more color. She’s always wearing color, I thought. Well, if ‘always’ means the two times that I saw her.

I knocked on her door and tried to get my heart under control. I really should have planned this better. What would my brilliant dumbass mouth say when she opened the door? ‘Hi, so I know you thought I was a dick but I kind of really want to hang out with you because I think you’re gorgeous and hard to figure out and I really want to figure you out because you interest me and someone hasn’t interested me since Sara and even then she wasn’t that great because she turned out to be a bitch but you, you’re different, I can just tell because—

“Jack? What are you doing here?” Kelsey stood opposite me with a confused look on her face.

“Hi.” Genius.

“…Hi.” Kelsey dragged out.

I cleared my throat, “So, last night you mentioned you didn’t have any plans for the rest of the summer. So I’m here to take you out.”

Kelsey scrunched her face in a surprised look. “You want to take me out?”

“Well, yeah.”


“Why?” I repeated, incredulously.

“Jack, why the hell would you want to take me out when you could be enjoying your summer with your friends? Why do you want to hang out with me?”

“I’ve hung out with my friends for eighteen years. I think I could use a change of company.”

“Right. And according to last night, I am your idea of the perfect company.” she smiled as she quoted my words from the elevator.

“Exactly. So let’s go.” I turned to walk away and felt Kelsey grab my arm. I suddenly became very happy with my tank top decision—it felt great to have her skin directly on mine.

“Wait! Where are we going? Do I have to change?” she asked, worriedly. I looked her up and down and saw that she was once again in very little shorts and a loose fitting tank top. She looked fantastic.

“You’re good. Come on.” In a moment of complete spontaneity I grabbed her hand and led her down the stairs to my car.

A Spotlight Summer (Jack Gilinsky)Where stories live. Discover now