Chapter 28. Better?

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(Howdy ho! I have no clue what that was..)

Lachlans POV

I grasped my hands over my ears as Preston was throwing up for the third time tonight. I swear if I catch what they got, I'm dead. I thought, as I closed my eyes. I feel asleep, and entered a dream world.

"Lachlan! Come and play!" I heard a voice say. "You should tell them about your depression, and what you tried those few months ago." I now recognised the voice, it was Vikk. I shook my head, "Maybe you should try again?" Vikk said. "W-what?" I asked. "Try, and feel better." His voice said.

I woke up, and looked at the clock. 12:46. Damn, I slept in. I got up and walked into the kitchen to see Preston stuffing his face. "Well, I guess you feel better." I said grabbing a bowl, and pouring cereal into it. Preston nodded, "I lost so much fluids, man. It sucked." He said grabbing the box of cereal I was using. "Mate! I was eating those!" I said. "Oh well!" He said diving into them. I sighed sitting next to Vikk, "Hey, guys me and Mitch need to go plan our wedding. So you 4 will be left alone." Jerome said. "Don't forget to use protection!" Mitch said leaving the house, along with Jerome. "The Jerome is too much!" Rob exclaimed burying his head in Preston's chest. Vikk laughed, as did I. "Wait, when are they going to get back?" I asked. "Around like, 3 or something." Vikk said. "Cool, I guess." I said. "Hey Lachlan what are those?" I heard Preston ask, he was pointing to my wrist. My scars were visible, I must have forgot my bracelets! "They, uh. I, uh, um." I mumbled. "Did you cut?" Vikk asked, I could tell he was scared. "I did, but I stopped!" I said. "Thankfully your better." Vikk said, kissing my cheek. I smiled, and nodded.

(Sorry ILY, I love Lachlan too. ILL THERE PACK ILL!!)

When We First Met (A Poofless Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें