Chapter 18.Movie Night!

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Rob's POV

Once we all got back from the store and put everything away we decided to have a couples movie night. I sat with Preston muzzled into my chest, and my arm draped around him. I smiled his eyes began to flutter closed. "You really love him, don't you?" Jerome asked. I smiled, and nodded. "More than anything Jerome. More than he'll ever know."I said kissing his forehead. Both Mitch, and Jerome smiled, and soon also began to fall asleep. I was left alone, wide awake. I soon found my self also drifting off into a deep slumber. And into a dream.

I ran my finger through Preston's hair. "Rob? Why do you love me?" Preston asked. I smiled, "Because you make me happy. Laugh when I'm down. And when you smile, it makes me smile." I said pressing my lips to his. " I love you Rob, too bad your gone." Preston said. As I slipped out of the dream and into reality.

I awoke to see Mitch, and Jerome were eating like always, and Preston was cooking. I got up and walked to Preston, he jumped and turned to me. "Rob's too spooky for me. He scared me also!" Mitch said clutching his chest. " Mitch, a bunny could scare you. But I still love you."Jerome said kissing him. "Ew, get a room." Preston said. "This IS a room."Mitch said. We both rolled our eyes.

So far this has been the best few days ever..but what did Preston mean by 'too bad your gone.'?

(Cliff hanger?)

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