Harry shakes his head and looks up, just to see Louis staring down at him as he lets out smoke from his lips.

"Can you like, look it up or something?"

"Yeah hold on."

Louis takes his phone out and sits down next to him as he googles the date rape drug.

"It says that the drugs usually leave your system in less than twelve hours."

"Great. Eleven more hours to go." Harry mumbles, and suddenly surges forward to throw up on the grass by his feet.

He stays like that for a few seconds, and then wipes the corner of his mouth before he sits back.

"Jesus man, that's gross."

"I need gum."

"What for? 's not like I'm going to kiss you right now." Louis says.

Harry turns his head to look at him. "I didn't say anything about kissing. I want to get the taste out of my mouth. There's a supermarket a few blocks away from his house, we should go there."

"Alright, get up then."

They stand up at the same time before they start walking again, this time slower as Louis starts talking about a charity gala Van Gaal wants the whole team to go to, but he doesn't know any more details.

They reach the supermarket five minutes later, and Louis buys a pack of gum and two packs of Marlboro. As soon as they're back outside, Harry takes two pieces of gum and Louis lights another cigarette.

All the lights in the house are out when Harry unlocks the gate, which means that his father is either out somewhere or has already gone to sleep. It's quiet, so Harry goes outside to check on Ernie and give him food, and then comes back in so he can put ice on Louis' knuckles.

"The first aid cabinet is in the bathroom downstairs." He tells Louis, who is apparently feeling like home because he's watching TV with his feet propped up on the coffee table.

Louis stands up and takes off his jacket, before he follows Harry to the bathroom. He sits up on the counter and crosses his ankles, waiting for Harry to do his job.

Harry takes out a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, a couple of band-aids, and some cotton pads.

"You've done this before?" Louis asks.

"When I was younger I used to babysit and the children would get in all kinds of trouble."

"Harry Styles, professional manny."

Harry rolls his eyes and takes Louis' right hand to put it under water.

"Shit, that stings!" Louis complains.

"It's just water, relax."

"It fucking hurts."

Harry stops the water and then wipes the blood off with a cotton pad, before he applies hydrogen peroxide on all of his knuckles. Louis yells and jolts away, but Harry keeps his hand in a tight grip. Then he presses another cotton pad to the wounds and puts band-aids on them.

He does the same with the other hand, and after he's done Louis waits for him to brush his teeth. Then they walk upstairs to his bedroom so Harry can lay down.

Harry pulls off his shirt, toes his shoes off, and then gets rid of his shoes. He turns to look at Louis, who is still fully dressed by his closet, looking right at Harry's chest.

"So what are you going to do? Stay here or go home?"

"Where can I sleep if I stay over?"

"You can sleep in the bed. It's big enough for two people." Harry answers, looking at his queen sized bed.

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