"Get a room. I don't want to hear that shit," Niall exclaims quite seriously.

I ignore his statement as I begin to walk to my bedroom. I open up my wardrobe to try find something good to wear for tonight, I then get distracted by Harry leaning on my bedroom doorframe.

"How'd you go with Eve?" Harry asks sympathetically.

"As good as it could get I guess. I came out unscathed at least." Harry silently laughs with the largest grin.

"What are you looking for?" He asks as he enters my room and sits on my bed.

"A dress to wear tonight. Danielle is taking me out," I respond as I still shuffle through my dresses.

"Should I find something to wear then too? Maybe I could wear that maroon dress you've got there," he tries to say with a straight face.

"Funny one aren't you," I state as I walk over to sit on his lap. "But Danielle said strictly no boys."

He leans forward and pecks my lips. "I think I should still go," he smiles.

"Hmmm nah," I quickly reply before I give him another quick kiss and hop off his lap. "What should I wear?"

He stands up and walks over to my wardrobe, his hand skims along the hung up items. Harry pulls out a very long, green, cotton dress that has long sleeves. "How about this?" He says seriously.

"I wore that as a costume to a party! Why would you even suggest that?" I laugh.

"Covers enough of your body, the colour wouldn't be too appealing to other men and you would basically look like a big, pretty booga," he gloats.

"Oh go away, no one's going to be trying to pick me up, trust me," I shake my head at him.

Harry hangs the dress back up and takes a step towards me, putting his fingers under my chin to get me to look into his eyes. "You have no idea how beautiful you are do you?" All I can do is smile at him. Harry leans forward for a passionate but short kiss. We both pull away from as I wrap my arms around his shoulders in a tight hug.

"Thank you," I withdraw from him. "Now help me find a dress that's sexy but has that look of, sorry I'm in a relationship."

"Did Danielle tell you to wear something like that?" He laughs.

"How'd you know?!" I squawk.

"She used to always say that to me when she'd take me out while I was in a relationship." I hate thinking of him with other people other than me. Sounds selfish but...oh well.

Harry pulls out at least three dresses in a row that couldn't have been uglier, I don't even know why I own them, he then pulls out my knee length, navy blue, lacey dress with lacey sleeves. I really quite love it.

"I think I'll go with that actually, I have some creamy coloured shoes and a purse that would go well with it I think."

"Yea that would suit real well!" Harry says with his goofy smile, trying to act like he knows what I'm talking about.


I jump up from the lounge to go answer the door. I open it to see Danielle in a simple, knee length black dress, with a fluffy pink purse and white shoes.

"You did a good job! You look as beautiful as anything but I can tell you're in a relationship," she smirks. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"Thank you, but I don't know if you did the same. All the boys and girls will be running after you," Danielle pokes her tongue out to me then walks past me and into the kitchen to give Niall a hug hello, she walks over to Harry who's on the lounge to do the same thing.

"I won't bring her home too late boys don't worry," she says as she leaves the flat. I quickly walk over to Harry and kiss him good bye and give a to Niall.

I briskly walk to the elevator so I can catch up with Danielle. "Thanks for waiting," I scoff.

"In all honesty, I forgot you had to say goodbye," she laughs.

We both walk into the elevator, for the short ride to the lobby. "How are we getting there?"

"Liam's driving us down and he'll pick us up when we're done too, so then I can drink."

When we get into the car, I greet Liam with a quick hello before he drives out of the car park. I haven't gone out to a club in so long, I almost feel a little anxious.

Once we reach the place, there's a line outside to get in. "Where have you taken me Danielle?"

"It's new, probably why it's so busy. I've heard plenty of good things about it though."

We quickly say thank you to Liam and hop out of the car to wait in the tedious line. Surprisingly though, it does move quite quick.

Once we get inside, the place is massive, a massive dance floor in the middle, booths all around the side, the bar is spread across one side of the room, a large set of stairs to take you to the second floor and a mixture of lights spread everywhere. We both walk over to the bar to get two cocktails each before we go and sit in one of the black coloured booths.

"I actually like it here. It's so full of people yet you don't feel crammed, and these booths are so comfortable," I remotely shout over the music.

"Told you I heard good things," she pauses to take a sip of her drink. "Have you heard this song?" She points up to where the music is coming from.

"No I haven't. It's really catchy though, why?"

"It's sung by a really hot boy band called One Direction. The song's called Drag Me Down. I love it," she shouts. Her eyes wonder over to the bar and I see her smile. "I feel like I shouldn't be saying this because I have Liam, but oh my god there's a really hot guy over at the bar," I turn around to have a look at who it is. My eyes widen immediately. What would he be doing here?

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