The Very Second First Word

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"Just say 'hi, Emmaline', come on, Pinky, is not difficult" I said, looking at my friend.
"I... I still don't understand why are you obeying me to do this" He said.
"Because this girl is the right one. She loves black guys" I looked at him. Well, he wasn't exactly a black guy. He was kinda milked chocolate. Uncle Kizz and Auntie Inés adopted him when he was four, and now he is my best friend.
"Do you really think she is the right one? We are sixteen, Nemo. Are you serious?" He rolled his eyes.
"I'm Nemo Gavigan. Of course I'm serious" I raised an eyebrow "And I'm my mother's daughter. Of course I carry this power in my blood, Carson McKinney".

He shaked his head and started writing:"hi, emmaline. i'm carson. i'm nemo's friend".

"What the hell are you talking about" I said, opening my eyes wide. Something told me 'come on, Rikki, throw his phone into the water. NOW'. But then I just waited.
"Oh. I know. My writing is obviously bad. Is she like my mother?" He asked "You know".
"Pinky, sweetie" I sighed "If you don't want your phone to drown into the sea, write Rik instead of Nemo. Right now".
"Rik? Why?" He asked.
"Because she calls me Rik" I wishpered.
"Its horrible" He said.

I heard some steps beside me and I looked at my mother. She was carrying with Poppy and Jayce and she looked at me with one of those smiles that everybody loved. Yes, we shared our beauty and our smile. Twins.

"Carsey, your parents are waiting for you" She said "Darcy is tired. He just want to go home and sleep. That boy looks more and more like me".
"OK Auntie Tulip" He stood up and hugged me "I'll write Rik. I promess".
"I want to know what's going on. Are you hearing me, Pinky?" I yelled while he was walking. He turned and said goodbye with his hand.

My mother gave me my sleepy baby sister and she sat down beside me. She looked at me and she smiled.

"Oh, little girl..." She wishpered "Emmaline Reed and Carson... How clever! I'm proud of you".
"I know... I'm a great matchmaker" I nodded my head "Just like someone I know".
"Oh, stop. This won't make me give you some extra money to go outside with your friends" She shaked his head. She was the one who knew me the most.
"Do you think it will work?" I asked.
"I don't know. But you just may use your lucky fin sometimes. Because you are the Best Woman. And Best Womans usually have this kind of work. We just may use our charm".

Ok, y'all. This was the las chapter of this story. I wanna say thank you to my good friends Inés and Miguel. They are the only reason why I started this story. And also to Lusi, Irene  and Carma because without them this story won't have any sense (of course Tulip needed someone to search the rings ).
AND OF COURSE: this story would have been horrible without someone... So thanks to myself because I'm brilliant and I do the best speeches ever :'3

Don't you worry guys. I have a little surprise inside of my little (but full) brain.

See you all later ♥

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