The Very First Month

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The Bride To Be:

"Who hell can tagg people on a Instagram's pic at midnight?" I asked to myself. I just woke up and when I took my phone, I saw that, between more texts on WhatsApp.

@laursheppard has tagged you on a pic:

I should have known it, God. I shaked my head. At least, I knew it would be funny, because everything that Laur does is funny.

She posted the pic she took the day that Kizz and I started dating. Laur and Lusi were smiling at the camera and Kizz and I were behind, a little bit hidden. I knew she posted that because she looks so beautiful in that pic, so the rest of us look just like simple crappy wastes beside her.

"Well... I know they are not still married, but I hope one day they will, and I'm obviously not going to be a bridesmaid (I leave that work for Inés's sisters). I'm going to be THE FREAKING BEST MAN Y'ALL!
So I want to celebrate with you that my little miracle turns one month old today! I'm pretty proud of myself for obey them to end together, but I'm even more proud of these two grown ass teenagers for still being together.
Inés, I look up to you for bear with my not so clever Princess every day. Seriously girl, you deserve an award. But I think at the same time I've gave you that award. You will never find a guy like him... I'm sure.
Kizz, sweetie, I never thought I would be writing a text at midnight just for wishing you a whole infinity with your girlfriend... But here I am, so maybe I have made you a good man, with some charm, like the Blue Prince (well, I'm lying man... You could never get to ride a horse haha).
So guys, I wish you don't get to cheat on eachother and you keep dating until I become the best wedding planner in all U.S., so I can plan your wedding, too.

Happy 1st month together, my lab rats ♥♥ I love you two to the moon and back!".

I smiled. This girl was so weird and lovely at the same time. And she is also a good calendar... I just forgot about all this stuff. But the good news are that she remembers it for all of us.

My sister came into my room and she sat down on my bed.

"I want a hot guy" She said "All of my friends have one... Even my own sister has one! And I'm four minutes older, man!".
"Why don't you talk to Laur?" I asked.

She smiled and she took her phone. I took mine too, and I read Kizz's text.

"Happy 1st month together! Lucky me I have the most wonderful 1/3 of triplet in the whole world :) Love you ♥".

I felt bad. Why did he remember the date and I just forgot to tell him "I love you"? Inmediatly after I wrote another text to him, saying more or less the same things he told me before (forgeting about all the triplets stuff). I sent it and I layed on my bed until I recived another text from him.

"Maybe I look like a bad boyfriend lol but you know I'm so honest: I just forgot about all this stuff :) Tulip was the one who told me haha... She is a pain on my ass, but she is really good with words and big texts on Instagram".

So, it seemed like Laur was the only one who rememberes dates. I smiled, at least none of us was a bad partner...

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