Rose and Rosie's house

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"What are you talking about"

"I heard a noise"

Stevie and Ally both got out of the lake and stood quiet.

"Ally I don't think you heard anyth..." Stevie then heard a noise come from behind them.

"Quick Stevie run" Ally shouted. Stevie ran as fast as she could, when she couldn't hear footsteps behind her she stopped and turned around to see Ally. She was still standing next to lake but she was bent over laughing.

Stevie could she Rose and Rosie standing behind Ally laughing uncontrollably as well. Stevie walked up to them and picked up her clothes that she had discarded earlier.

"I hate you guys, I was actually scared" Stevie said annoyed. Rose and Rosie couldn't stop laughing. Ally stood up straight and looked at Stevie.

"Payback for when you scared me by pretending that you were drowning" Ally said back trying to hide her laughter.

"I just ran as fast as I could through a forest half naked Ally!" They all stopped laughing realising that Stevie was annoyed.

"When did you become such a party pooper" Rose said to Stevie.

"I'm sorry, I guess it was kinda funny" Stevie said giving in as a smirk appeared on her face. "I'm just kinda cold"

"Well I would hug you but I'm also wet" Ally said looking down at her drenched clothes.

"Wow you guys just love getting eachother wet" Rosie said.

They all laughed as they walked back towards the road. Ally looked at the empty space where the car originally was.

"Um..guys where's my car"

"Ally chill we got someone to collect it for you it should get fixed in a couple of days"

They got into Rose and Rosie's car and drove to their house. When they arrived Ally was shocked.

"Wow this place is nice" Ally said staring at house.

All four of them walked into the house. "If you go upstairs I can find you some clothes to wear" Rose said pointing at the large staircase in front of them.

"Thanks but I've got my own" Stevie pointed at her bag that she was holding. Ally looked at her wet clothes . "Stevie I forgot to bring clothes" Ally whispered to Stevie.

Stevie laughed quietly, just as Rose and Rosie were walking away Stevie called after them. "Hey Rose" Rose quickly spun around, "yes"

"Ally forgot to bring clothes with her, can she borrow some" Stevie asked. Ally looked embarrassed as her cheeks went bright red.

"Of course she can" Ally was relieved, she really didn't want to spend another moment in the wet clothes that she was wearing. Rosie walked up to Ally and directed her upstairs.

"You can borrow some of mine" Rosie said as her and Ally walked upstairs. Rosie showed Ally her wardrobe, Ally picked out a grey top and shorts.

"Thanks" Ally said as she smiled at Rosie.

"No problem, I'll meet you downstairs" Rosie left and let Ally have some privacy as she changed her clothes. When she was dressed she walked downstairs to meet the others.

Ally sat on the couch next to Stevie. Stevie wrapped her arms around Ally's torso.Ally placed a gentle kiss on Stevies forehead wrapped her arm around her shoulder.

"You guys are too cute" Rosie said as her and her wife admired the couple.

"Ally we need to get to know you better" Rose said. "How about a game of never have I ever"

Stevie shot up, she looked at Ally smiling. "We are definitely playing"

Ally was apprehensive at first then she agreed, "ok but only so I can learn all of your secrets"

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