Chapter 1

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-Selena's POV-

TIme to start another crappy year of high school. I was going into eleventh grade, which means I have this year, and the next year to complete. Joy. 

What could be worse than high school? Oh yeah, starting all new at a whole new school. You see, my parents decided to divorce recently, leaving them to go their separate ways. My father cheated on my mother with some french lady. Don't ask, even I don't know what that was about. My mom got furious and told him she was taking me and she was leaving. I was an only child, which sucked. I knew I would be really lonely where we were moving too. But even before my parents would fight with each other, my father was really abusive towards her, and sometimes towards me. He was a heavy alcoholic, he would threaten to kill us, or leave us. However in the end he would feel very guilty towards it. He promised he would never hurt me, but I can't believe that for a second to be honest. 

I was kinda glad to leave him, he was crazy, but a part of me would miss him. At least I felt safer with my mom. Now I hated that I had to leave New York to go to Miami, Florida. I don't want to go to a whole new school, I'd honestly rather just get home schooled, but my mom has to find a job, so it wouldn't really work out for either of us. 

Today was my last day in my home city, New York City. I guess you could say I was "popular". Lets just say...I had a lot of friends to say my goodbyes to at school on Friday.

Now it was Sunday. I finished loading all my bags and boxes in the moving truck and shut the trunk. The moving truck was going to drive all the way down to Florida, while we were going to take a plane, which I've never been on. Yeah, make fun of me.

We walked to the airport, which was nearby, and waited for our flight. I had to get through a bunch of metal detectors, which made me feel uncomfortable. But after about an hour, we aboarded the plane. 

I don't know how long it took, but I know I fell asleep on the plane. I was happy to get off. It was September, so the weather was getting cooler in New York, but it was REALLY hot here 

My mom rented a car for now until she could get the chance to buy one. We drove over to the new place, which I had to admit was pretty nice. I had my own floor, which included 2 rooms, and three bathrooms, which was perfect enough for me. 

It was Sunday night now, and I had to get ready for school in the morning. The school year just started, so I wouldn't be missing much. I went into the biggest room on the floor and claimed it. There was already a king sized bed in there. I placed my blankets and pillows on top and went to sleep. I was too lazy to unpack that night, it was already ten. I didn't want to look like a zombie for my first day at my new school.

"Selly wake up!" My mom called from downstairs. I heard her clearly and got out of bed miserably. I checked the time on my phone to see it was 5:45 AM. I walked slowly to the bathroom and took a quick shower. My mom offered to drive me today instead of taking the bus which comes at 7:20. Since she decided to drive me I would have until 7:40 to get ready. School didn't start until 8, but it was ten minutes away. 

Once I got out I put on white skinny jeans and a black top. I put on a pair of black vans to match. I blow dried my hair in the bathroom, causing it to go straight, and I applied a light layer of makeup, which included eyeliner and mascara.

By the time I was done getting ready it was 7. I went downstairs and sat at the table with my mom, who made me eggs and bacon, one of my favorites. I ate pretty slow, I didn't have much of an appetite. I had to admit, I felt really nervous about today.

My mom sat at the table on her laptop looking for jobs she could do. My grandma lived down the street and was able to provide us with some money until my mom could handle making it on her own. I even offered to get a job but my mom told me that it would be fine for now.

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