Chapter 1

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Luke's POV
I was on the hotel room, thinking about her. Remembering the day I saw her for the first time.


I was on the Capitol Records restrooms. As I was done with my duty and zipping my pants, the restroom's door opened.
As I opened the door of the restroom cubicle I was using, I saw a girl.
What? A girl on the boy's room?
She was washing her hands while checking herself on the mirror.
The door made a weird noise. She noticed it and took a glimpse in the mirror.
"Ahhh! "She shouted as she turned to me. I stayed quiet.
"Shit, she is hot." I said to myself starting to get nervous.
"Was I the one who got confused and entered to the wrong restroom?" I thought.
"Emmmm dude this is the... "She began to say but I interrupted.
"The boy's restroom. "I said pointing to the urinals at the right corner of the room.
"Oh my god, I-I'm sorry" She said as she made her way to the exit door.
"I knew it! I was right, she was wrong. Fuck. That was awkward." I thought as I approached to the washbasin. An iPhone with a pink case was laying there.
"Fuck, she forgot her phone" I said out loud.
After drying my hands, I took the phone and went through the exit door.
The girl was gone and the building was too damn big.
I decided to go to the hall way at my right. As I passed through all the recording studios, I pictured the girl in my head. Those pretty green fucking eyes that looked embarrassed after what happened, that long black gorgeous hair, that beautiful face...
"Was she a solo artist recording a debut  album? Was she in a band or a group? A producer? DJ? I need to know." I said to my self.
I passed by a studio where music was playing. I could hear through the closed door. Maybe she was recording there.
I knocked. But the music was too loud that no one heard me. I knocked again and there was no response.  So I turned the knob and entered.
The room was big. A guy was sitting on  a chair with headphones mixing some beats, while inside the recording cabin five girls were singing to a really catchy song. And there she was, at the right side of the cabin, closing her eyes as she sang her part at the song.
No one noticed me.
"Damn it, this song is so good" I thought.
I was looking at how perfect she looked singing. Hearing her perfect voice as she heated the notes.

Suddenly our eyes met. She saw me watching her like a complete idiot.
So I raised my hand and showed her the phone.

She immediately took off the headphones (you need to use them when recording) and exited the  cabin. The four other girls made a confused gesture and looked to where I was standing.
She approached to where I stood.
"Thank you. Emm...I must have left it on the washbasin."she said looking at me.
Her look made me feel nervous.
"Yeah" That was all I said as I gave her the iPhone.
An awkward moment came next. There was complete silence in the room. The music had stopped, the producer had taken off the headphones and was starring at us as well as the girls inside the cabin. I knew I had to say something quick or this would get more awkward.
"That song was great by the way" I said quickly.
"Thanks. It is something we are still working on. We're not sure about it jet." Her voice was soft but at the same time raspy.
"Well, keep working like that because it surly will be a hit" I said smiling.
She smiled back.
"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck." I thought. Her smile was cute and beautiful.
"I'm Luke by the way" I tried to sound relaxed, but I wasn't.
"I'm Lauren" She said laughing.
"Fuck." I said to myself. "Her laugh is so perfect." I continued inside my brain.
Suddenly someone else spoke. "Are you from that Australian new band?" Said the producer.
"Yeah...5 Seconds Of Summer" I answered.
"Bro, I heard you the other day while  you were recording with Chris, and let me tell you, I love your songs" He continued.
"Really?... I mean, our sound is way too different to any other teen band so..." I said but he interrupted me.
"No man, for real! You killed it with the guitar and vocals."He told me as he was standing up from the chair to stand in front of me.
"Thanks" I smiled and continued. "We are actually finishing our last song for the new EP today..." I was saying, but my phone began to rang in my pocket.

"Luke! Where are you? You have been gone to the restroom for like twenty minutes, what the fuck? We need to finish the song today pal." Calum's
voice sounded through the phone.
"I was just hanging around. Listen I'm on my way." I said hanging up the phone.
"I think I better be going. It was a pleasure." I shook his hand, then I turned to Lauren and gave her a goodbye kiss on the cheek.

End Of Flashback

"Hey, are you exited for tonight?" Ashton asked me from the bathroom where he was fixing his shirt.
"Yes. I can't believe we are invited to a One Direction party. Do you have an idea of how many important people will be there? Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, Selena Gomez, Ed fucking Sheeran dude!" I answered excited.
"And don't forget Fifth Harmony" He teased me.
"Stop it, ok? I don't want a word about it." I said to him. "Was it so obvious that I was thinking about her?  Or the fact that I can't stop talking about her revels my huge crush on Lauren Jauregui?" I thought.
"Luke,  just relax. The night is young and you are a blue eyed, blonde, tall guy that plays in a band. Go talk to her tonight." Ash told me.
"It's not that easy. And by the way why do you think I want to talk to her?" I said.
"Well, you always tell us how perfect she is and how incredibly awesome it would be to spend time with yeah, that's why."

"Guys, are you ready? We are late as always." Michael's voice sounded through the door of the hotel room.
I opened the door.
"We are ready!" Ash shouted and the four of us made our way to the lobby where we waited our car.

End of chapter.
Hope you liked it guys. It is the first work I publish so don't be rude.

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