Chapter 9: Weeding

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"I do know. Because you tell me." He smiled again and squeezed her hand.

She smiled back and said, "Okay. I'll just tell you a lot then."

Jax pulled into the school where the meet was, and Mellie asked him to drop her at the stadium doors before he parked. He did so and wished her good luck. She kissed him quickly before she ran in and headed for the locker rooms. As she ran, she thought about how easy and natural a relationship with him felt since they had been friends first. They had quickly covered the few things they had never discussed, and now all she had left was the big reveal. That would happen today. Quickly finding her team, she sat down and started changing her shoes. Lauren turned to Mellie and said, "Was I hallucinating yesterday, or were you walking in the halls holding Jax Woods' hand like he was your boyfriend?"

Mellie narrowed her eyes slightly and calmly said, "Jax is my boyfriend."

All the girls looked surprised. Lauren frowned and demanded, "When did that happen?"

"Yesterday." Mellie yanked her laces tight and started on the other foot.

Samantha walked closer to Mellie and put her fisted hands on her hips. "Oh my God. What are you thinking, Melanie? You could have had Jake Carter."

Mellie said, "I never wanted or liked Jake Carter."

Lauren said, "I know you've been friends with the outcasts, and Jax is your neighbor. He took care of you. Yeah. Whatever. You don't owe him, you know? And now you're screwing him?"

Mellie yanked on the final knot and lowered her foot to the ground. She frowned at Lauren and said, "Jax Woods is a terrific guy. I have very strong feelings for him. What we choose to do or not do in private is absolutely none of your business."

Lauren frowned and opened her mouth, but a girl a few lockers down walked closer to Mellie and asked, "You're the lead singer in Outcasts' girlfriend?" The unknown girl was wearing another set of school colors. Mellie nodded. The girl smiled and excitedly said, "Oh, wow! Is he here today? Can I meet him? Oh my God! I'm such a huge fan! I'm Carol. What's your name?"

Mellie smiled at Carol and answered, "Melanie. Yes, Jax is here. He'll be in the stands. If you really want to meet him you can stick with me as I leave today."

"Cool! Thanks! This is awesome." Carol bounced as she headed back to her locker.

Mellie laughed softly and put her things away in the locker provided, locking it securely after with her own padlock.

Lauren and the other girls did not look happy. Lauren said, "What the hell was that?"

Smirking, Mellie asked, "You didn't know they were in a band?"

Lauren shrugged and said, "I heard that. I just never thought they'd have a fan."

Another soft laugh burst from Mellie. She shook her head and said, "They have a ton of fans, obviously." With that, she headed out to the field, followed a moment later by the rest of her team.

Coach nodded to the girls, checking them over to make sure everyone was present and appeared ready before he started reminding them of the plan for the day. Mellie listened carefully, and only after he was done, did she turn on her bench and scan the crowd for Jax. Not seeing him to the right, she swiveled to look left and saw him stand up and wave his arm. She smiled and lifted her arm to wave back. It felt really good to have him in the stands supporting her, and she again wished she could always do the same for him.

When it was her turn to run, Mellie pushed all other thoughts from her mind. She was one with her body, completely in tune with all her muscles, entirely focused. The runners beside her faded away. No one else existed. She was running to beat her own personal best time, not against anyone else. There was just her, the track, the white lines, and the air she breathed. She reminded herself of the distance to be run and what that felt and looked like. The only sounds that penetrated were, "Mark", "Set", and the gunshot. That third sound automatically sent her body into motion. She shot out and just felt: her form, the hard slaps of her shoes on the ground, the air rushing against her. After passing the distance mark, she slowed and came to a stop. She didn't know where she placed, so she looked at the clock as the crowd cheered. Her name was listed first on the board, and she had beaten her best time by almost one second. That made her smile. She looked for Jax in the stands as she walked back to her coach and saw him with his arms up, grinning. That made her smile again. Coach grinned at her and patted her shoulder as he said, "Great job, Caden."

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