"yeah I'm- ow." he hisses in pain when he raised his arm

"here. let me help, yeah?" I ask, now my calm, emo self.

"thank you. Are you a fan?" he asks while standing up, allowing me to awkwardly help out his clothes on, gently nursing the scratches and scrapes.

"yes. I was going for a run and I heard you cry out. I was wondering why you weren't there today." I say. He has a semi-deep gash from a stick in his arm and I just so happen to have gauze in my bag because it's warped, ya never know.

I don't know why, but while I wrapped his arm, I started singing 'King For A Day' quietly, finally smiling again.

"thank you. again. for uh, saving me." He said, rubbing his neck with the arm not being wrapped.

"no problem. honestly Kyle, I'm glad I found you. who else just randomly caries gauze unless they have a sixth Kyle sense?" I say laughing, earning a little giggle from him

I help him off the ground and we slowly walk back out of the woods and I have him put on a some sunglasses and some different things so he's not easily recognized.

There are a lot of people around, but none notice him what so ever. "Can I walk with you back to the tent?" I asks happily

"Uh...I don't really want to go back..." he whispers quietly and looks at the ground

"do you want to go with me and my mom to get lunch after this?" I'll ask him about it later

"are you sure?"

"dude. I have looked up to you, and have wanted to meet you, for like two years. We're going to lunch and your going to love it." I say laughing a little, earning a cute smile from him

As we go back to where my moms sitting, she recognizes Kyle and looks at me questioningly, then at him. "Are you here against you're will? Would you like to run? I'm sorry." She says getting up and he only shakes his head.

"No ma'am. Your daughter just saved my life, dramatic as it sounds, it's true." He says, smiling at me

"Well okay. So I'm guessing there's a reason you brought him over here?" She asks me, slightly amused

"Can he go to lunch with us?" I ask nervously

"I actually have to go to do errands, but I'll drop y'all off at a restaurant, okay?" She says looking at her phone

"Yeah!" We agree


We just got back from lunch and we decided to hang out at my house before he had to go back to go to the next state. We exchanged numbers and sat on my bed, talking and eventually seeing a tweet by Bryan; 'meet and greet almost up. Hey @kyledavidhall where'd you go?'

Kyle whines and looks at me apologetically. "I have to go or I'll miss the bus." He says and I see him tweet back '@bryanstars I just got distracted man haha on my way back😆'

"Promise to keep in touch?" I ask him at the door

"Of course" he says and hugs me tightly "thanks for saving me princess"

I watch him walk away and start running to the venue about 2 miles away.


That was the last time I saw him. He never texted me or responded to my texts. I watched his videos and liked and commented, hoping to get his attention. It never worked. After a year, I just kinda gave up trying. He obviously didn't care.

'Kyle David Hall- hey guys✌🏻️ new video 'fanfiction and cool things'. Watch? Pwease?' Yes I have his tweet notifs on. Don't judge.

I went to his YouTube and watch the video. He was super red while reading a Kohnnie fic and it was pretty funny. Then he went into piñata where I and 364 people had commented on one of his posts and he said," okay, so I'm going to pick someone to come spend a day with me in this boring bleep town."

My only thought was 'this girl or boy is going to be lucky cause they'll get to keep him...'

"Erm, the person I landed on is....." He paused there, reading the username I guess?

"Um. H-her name is um, Meghan. Meghan Marie?" He said looking shocked

I had driven up there the day with my mom because he gave me his address and didn't say another word in the message. I was thinking of so many ways to cuss him out for leaving me alone. I felt unwanted. I felt unloved and I was bad for a while.

We got to his house and I jump out and run up to his door, knocking semi lightly, as to not come off rude. I was ready to tell him off as soon as he opened that glass door.

But as he did, I found myself crying and all I did was saunter up to him and hug him. He returned the hug fully and even lifted me off the ground a little. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry" he started apologizing so much I became almost a chant.

"W-what happened?" I asked, wiping away the light years, as well as his.

"I wasn't allowed to because my parents said you were too young and people kept telling me you were saying bad things and I'm so so sorry Meghan-" he saidbstarting to cry again. I then realize the light rain coming down onto our heads and running down our necks as we starred at each other

Out of no where, my brain decided on leaning in and doing something stupid. I kissed him. But, he kissed back. And we went from there


And that leads us to today. I'm 19, and he's 22. We're standing next to  Johnnie and Alex at a photo shoot.  They are holing their three-year old son, Jacob, in between them. And I, Meghan Marie Hall, am holding my month-old daughter, Sophie, in my arms with Kyle's arm around my back as we smile with Bryan and Shannon sitting on the floor smiling with their son, Gabe, 3, and daughter, Izzy, 4.

And we have our perfect little family.

Hey guys. Long time no see. Sorry I haven't updated a bunch. It's been hectic lately. But I still try to keep up as best I can.
As always, my name is Nicole Souleli and I have just stolen your soul. Ok, bye guys!
🔥Stay happy not crappy🔥
🎵Lifes a bitch don't quit🎵
🌷eat your cereal🌷
🔫Nikki Soul🔫

My Digital ONE SHOTSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ