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Hey guys, It's Nicole. I love you seagulls.

Title- Do You Believe Me?
Number of words-

Kyle's POV


three cuts for dad beating me.


three more for being so stupid


three more, yet again for my personality


And one deep one because Johnnie will never love me.

I count off every cut, watching the semi dark liquid run down my hand and drip into the off-white, now splattered red, bathtub.

I hear the garage open and immediately clean up the bathtub and wipe down my arms, bandaging them quickly and putting my many bracelets on and threw on my beanie.

I run down stairs and throw some pots on the stove, just as my dad walks in.

"what would you like for dinner sir?" I ask

"spaghetti. and why are you wearing this stupid thing?" he asks yanking the beanie off and throwing it in the trash."

"because I'm stupid." I reply starting to cook

"that's right you retarded piece of trash. you know you're the reason you mom and brother died right?" he said slamming my face on the counter, giving me a bloody nose.

"y-yes sir" I studder

he walks off laughing. I finish making food and serve him, then walk off to my room.

-The next day at school-

"hey J" I say walking up besides my best friend. I have had a big crush- no, I'm in love with him.

"Hey kye-kye" he says with a cute smile

"Hey! Ricky look! it's the emo fags. Kiss!" Edward says to his friend and us

"you do realize you just called us emotional cigarettes right?" Johnnie scoffs. he's being too brave today.

Edward turn toward us and raised his fist to punch Johnnie who immediately flinched. I jump forward and slammed my fist into Edwards ribs, feeling several crack, and then kicked him in the balls. I punched Ricky across the face and slammed their friend Joseph's head into a locker.

I look at Johnnie, and did something I don't have time to regret, I kissed him. hard. and then grabbed his hand and started running, pulling him down the hallway, out the door, and into the woods. When we got to a secret hideout I have, I pushed him in it and closed the hatch.

I lay down and cover his mouth, pulling him down besides me. It wasn't very big in there so we were squished. It was quiet until we hear a lot of feet running closer. Johnnie started to crush I pulled him into me and he cuddled into me.

He started crying kinda loud so I put all my sudden confidence into lightly pressing our lips together. The act silenced him and after about 5 seconds and half of my confidence gone, he started kissing back. our lips seem to fit perfectly. I moaned into the kiss on accident when he shifts his leg rubbing it over my area. We sat there for a second, and hear- "Edward! let's go. he has to come back to school right?" Richly yells and they disappear

We completely relax and just rest in each other's arms.

"H-hey um Kyle?" I hear his little voice after about ten minutes

"yes Johnnie?" I ask a little worried because we almost never use each other's full names.

"will you be my boyfriend?" he asks

"Yes! I've always wanted to ask you that but have been too shy!" I say rolling on top of him and hugging him very tightly.

I have my boyfriend now. and all should be well.

The ending to this one was weird but I think cute. Would yall watch my YouTube videos if I posted them?
yep so, My name is Nicole Souleli and I have just stolen your soul. bye my little ghosts<3

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