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Title- The day to remember
Number of words-1698

Meghan's POV

Today is warped! Some of my favorite YouTubers will be there. Johnnie Guilbert! Damon Fizzy! I think even Alex Dorame. But I'm most exited for Kyle. this is weird, I don't usually fan girl at all but, I must be in a good mood today because I'm flipping out.

Me and my friend Skye are standing in the line waiting to see them at the meet and greet. After 2 hours of standing and waiting, we get up there. We hugged Johnnie, Alex, Bryan, Damon, and Jordan. But, Kyle was no where to be found.

I'm not sure why, but this made me really sad. I guess I had my hopes too high.

"Hey Skye, you stay here with my mom, I'm gonna go for a run." I say with my best false smile. it apparently worked

"you run?" she asks

"sometimes when my energy needs pumped. anyways, I'll be right back." I say smiling once again, though the real smile was left back at the YouTubers tent

I set my stuff down, look at a woodland area and just book it. Nothing holding me back, I just run, letting a very small smile creep into my lips. Marching band really has done wonders for my small, weakling muscles. see? running makes everything better again!

maybe I'll turn around here. I have gone a good distance into the woods. eh, why not. I'll just go around that tree and-

"please! please let go of me!" I hear. It must be my sleep deprived mind. I didn't sleep much the past few days due to excitement. I'll just walk a little-

"No! don't touch me! please, anyone, HELP!" Ok, that voice sounds familiar but I can't place it. But I need to help none the less. I follow the voices with a quick foot and grab a large but reasonable sized rock and start running towards the sound.

Lying in a patch of leaves is a man standing over a near-naked boy only in his boxers. "be quiet, and maybe I'll let you live." the man hisses through gritted teeth. He has a sort of boyish voice, but he's obviously a dude.

I misstep and snap a twig and duck behind a tree. the man turns around and yells "who's there?"

I sit lower and hear him start to walk closer. my heart speeds up and I feel like running, but I can't leave that poor boy who obviously can't fight back in the condition he's in.

When the man get close, I stand up and chuck the rock at his head, hitting him right on the size of the head, knocking him out instantly. I pick the rock up and throw it at his head again for good measure and then run over to the boy trying to gather his clothes weakly. Never got a chance to see his face. He is small though.

"Excuse me? what's your name?" I ask still not recognizing him

He turns around in shock and I know instantly who it is. It's a beaten up Kyle in nothing but his batman boxers. "K-Kyle. who are-" he started but I interrupted him "no no. I uh I k-know who you are. um, I just didn't recognize you for a minute."

"oh. what's your name?" he asks, sitting up against a tree while attempting to put his shirt back on.

"Meghan. My name is Meghan. are you alright?" I ask a little jittery

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