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Some days later, Louis woke up to something caressing his cheek gently. Or someone. And that someone could have only been Harry because he hadn't really went back to his flat in a long time and whenever Louis was over, they always shared a bed—he really liked Harry's bed. (And Harry but he didn't need to know that)

Louis kept his eyes closed and said, "Is this a rare occasion or are you normally creepy?" In which Harry recoiled his hand, cheeks heating up quickly and hiding in the pillow.

"You were supposed to be sleeping. It's cute, I—you're just..." Harry noticed Louis laughing and got even more flustered. "Shut up." He whined, further burying his face in the pillow.

"I bet you do this every time I'm here." And it was meant to be a simple joke, but when Louis saw Harry's face turn into the color of the bed sheets, he laughed even harder. "You do!"

"Be quiet." Harry muffled, throwing the covers over his head and groaning at the fact that he embarrassed himself so easily. "Ugh, I hate you." He grumbled, obviously not really meaning it.

"Clearly not enough to stop stroking my cheek." And that earned Louis a kick to the shin, making him groan and mutter something along the lines of 'Dick'.

Harry smiled triumphantly, peeking his head out the covers once again. "I was thinking," Harry started.

"You think?" Louis finished and that earned him another kick, making him whine then pout. "I'm fragile, why would you do this?"

"Sorry, my leg spazzes sometimes." Harry gave him a plastic smile which molded into a real one then ended in a frown. "No, seriously. Did I hurt you?" He asked worriedly, pulling Louis closer to him.

"Nah, I'm good." The boy responded, laying his head on Harry's shoulder, poking his stomach to tell him he could go on.

"Okay." Harry kissed Louis' forehead then continued what he wanted to say. "Okay, so I was thinking, maybe we should go out."

Louis' eyes widened and he pulled back from Harry a little to look at him, heart beat picking up because—what? "G-go out? With... you? You want us to go out?"

"Yeah, tonight. I was thinking a drive-in movie? It'll be really cute, trust me." Harry grinned at him, nodding a little to himself. "Why, you had other plans?" He asked.

Louis slumped his shoulder because that was not the type of 'going out' he wanted to hear. Why was he being so hopeful, though? The whole almost-kissing-your-best-mate thing that happened the week before could have just been the heat of the moment thing. A nothing.

"No, no. Just thought..." He sighed, laying his head on Harry's shoulder again. "Nothing. Anyway, it sounds good. Could need the fresh air." He hummed. "Ooh, you know, we should watch-"

"If you say Tangled I will kick you in the shin and not feel any remorse after." Harry warned, pointing at the lad who pouted.

"You're so mean." He said, eyes big and it almost made Harry coo. "But, no. I wanted to say we should watch the Age of Ultron. You know, the new Avengers movie. It's not new, but you get the gist." He waved his hand a little as he explained. "Good, yeah?"



"It's a date, then."

And Louis knew Harry was joking but he so wished he wasn't.


"Could you stop laughing at me and help?" Louis asked, turning to Harry who was practically rolling on the floor as he tried to lay the blanket on the grass but it was too windy and who knew the wind loved to play games.

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