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From Mozzarella: Today marks our three weeks of being friends !!

To Mozzarella: oh

To Mozzarella: really ?

From Mozzarella: I was expecting a little bit more enthusiasm and maybe confetti and a big 'Happy anniversary' sign but ok. I'll pretend I'm not hurt

To Mozzarella: idc

From Mozzarella: :c

From Mozzarella: Why are you so mean to me?

To Mozzarella: im jk

From Mozzarella: Your name on my contacts is 'The gorgeous, pretty, beautiful'

From Mozzarella: Be nice to me

To Mozzarella: isn't that a bit too long?

To Mozzarella: why do you even call me that?

From Mozzarella: Because I speak the truth

From Mozzarella: Are you from Tennessee?

To Mozzarella: uhhh

From Mozzarella: 'cause you're the only ten I see

From Mozzarella: If I could rearrange the alphabet, I'd put U and I together

To Mozzarella: You

To Mozzarella: Are

To Mozzarella: So

To Mozzarella: Cheesy

To Mozzarella: this is why ur name in my contacts is 'Mozzarella'

From Mozzarella: Are u tired?

To Mozzarella: not really

From Mozzarella: Because you've been running in my mind all day

To Mozzarella: Yup im done. out. nope. bye. where can I sign off bc I didn't ask for this. this wasn't written in the terms and conditions, nope

From Mozzarella: Shh, child. You love it

To Mozzarella: yes, of course

From Mozzarella: Am I in heaven? Because I think I'm seeing an angel

From Mozzarella: Well I'm talking to an angel

From Mozzarella: Do you think they have 3G in heaven?

To Mozzarella: im friends with a dork

From Mozzarella: Imagine being able to text god omg

To Mozzarella: stop. please

From Mozzarella: What would you tell him anyway?

To Mozzarella: complete dork

From Mozzarella: 'Yo, god. tysm for not like, sending me to hell lol. hmu on those angels doe'

To Mozzarella: you think you're so funny

From Mozzarella: I am :)

From Mozzarella: My dick just died, can I bury it in your ass?

To Mozzarella: :O

To Mozzarella: HARRY

From Mozzarella: I'm an interior designer, can I decorate your interior?

From Mozzarella: Nice ass, what time does it open?


From Mozzarella: Not so innocent, I guess

From Mozzarella: Call me meat and put me between your buns

To Mozzarella: SO

To Mozzarella: VULGAR

To Mozzarella: !!

To Mozzarella: never knew this side of you existed. i am shocked

From Mozzarella: There are lots of things you don't know about me, Lou-Lou

To Mozzarella: like what?

From Mozzarella: Like how I have a pic of you I got from fb and sometimes, I pretend I'm dating it and kiss it goodnight

To Mozzarella: wat

From Mozzarella: I kid, I kid

From Mozzarella: Maybe



I was having writers block and kept on staring at the blank page. Then this happened.

Aren't they adorable, though?

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