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Louis did think about it. For three days after the encounter.

It wasn't that he was milking it and trying to make himself seem less desperate, (Even though that was just a bonus) but that he couldn't decide. He didn't know whether it'd be worth it or not. He barely knew the guy—Actually, didn't know him at all!

This so called Harry guy could very well be a serial killer, or even a mass terrorist. Maybe Harry wasn't even his name... Or maybe Louis was over analyzing it and being the little ball of insecure mess he normally was. Maybe all Harry was looking for was someone to talk to.

It was now the fourth day after the encounter and Louis was out with Niall in a restaurant . The crappiest of restaurants.

"Out of every fast food in London that was out there, you had to pick this one?" Louis said to Niall through the loud music they played in the place, the loud bass of it giving him a headache. Or maybe it was the lack of sleep. He wasn't sure.

"What? They make good drinks." Niall defended, Louis not really understanding his logic because isn't one drink just as damaging as the next?

Louis watched the blond take a quick swig of his beer, then take a bite of his burger, shoving in a couple of fries then he looked down at his own salad.

As Niall swallowed the bite, Louis couldn't help but think how many calories Niall was taking in. In just that one small bite. He imagined how many it would be if he counted the whole meal; the burger, fries and beer and he couldn't help but cringe because so many calories ingested and none of it was worth it.

Louis had to bite on his tongue, keeping himself from saying, 'Do you know how many calories you're having right now?' because he didn't want to ruin Niall's good mood—the lad was always in a good mood, anyway.

Louis went back to his salad, picking at it before picking up a baby tomato and putting it in his mouth.

(Niall noticed Louis tapping on his fingers as he chewed and maybe he was just tapping to the rhythm of the song playing in the restaurant or maybe he was counting how many times he chewed, but Niall didn't say anything.)

"What do I do, Ni?" Louis asked, cracking the water bottle open then closing it and repeating the process a dozen times.

"Well, I think you should go and get yourself a beer, maybe-"

Louis sighed exasperatedly and shook his head. "I'm talking about the whole number thing. I still have his number crumpled up in a ball in my drawer and I didn't promise I'd call but I still feel like I owe him that. I can't help but think he is up to something, though."

Niall rolled his eyes. "You think everyone is up to something."

"Because you never know people's true intentions. People always let you down and I don't want to get my hopes all high then have it crumble down in pieces." Louis voiced his thoughts pessimistically, cracking the bottle cap open and finally taking a swig from it.

"What do you expect from him?" Niall questioned. "Do you want him to be your friend, boyfriend?"

And Louis shook his head. "You know I don't do... that sort of thing. I told him that and for some reason, he wasn't put off by it. I don't even know what he finds so interesting about me."

"But he does. Just give him a chance, Lou. Don't judge so quickly, you might think he's out to murder you and curse your offsprings or something but just give him a chance."

Louis looked at Niall and sighed, knowing he was right but he just didn't want to admit it. "If he does end up murdering me and cursing my offsprings, I'll be haunting you for the rest of your drunken life because I told you so."

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