Despite the two men being friends, when it came to the work place Jericho was Ethan's boss, nothing more and nothing less.

"Of course." Ethan nodded his head and handed Jericho a mug of fresh brewed coffee.

Jericho gave him a nod in thanks, before stepping into his office.

"Ophelia, Thaddeus." Jericho greeted the wealthy old couple and also the parents of Tori Smith.

"Jericho." Thaddeus replied, his face expressionless.

Thaddeus had never liked Jericho, especially when he found out the guy was dating his only daughter. Ophelia on the other hand had always been fascinated by Jericho Maverick, from his career choice to his well known family name.

"Why are you here -without an appointment, might I add?" Jericho sat down behind his rich wood desk, taking a sip of his coffee, while watching the couple over the rim of his mug.

"Surely, you've seen the reports."

Jericho didn't make the effort to verbally reply, instead he simply raised an eyebrow.

Ophelia placed a hand over her husbands, before leaning forward in her seat. She smiled at Jericho, her lips stained red and the botox injections obvious. "Jericho darling, it would mean a lot to us if you would come to Tori's new murder trial and help her case by testifying."

Jericho nodded his head once. "Of course, I'll be there."

Thaddeus slid Tori's case folder over to Jericho. "They found new evidence, and the upcoming court date is in there. We wouldn't have asked if your statement wasn't highly important."

Jericho avoided touching the brown folder, before glancing up at the Smith's. "Thank you, I'll see you on the court date."

The couple said their goodbye's just as Ethan stepped into Jericho's office. "You have a meeting with Mr. Beck Winchester in forty minutes."

Jericho glanced at his wrist watch, before nodding at Ethan. He had completely forgotten about the appointment and he wasn't really in the mood after having being visited by the Smith's.

Jericho stepped into the small ensuite bathroom and pulled out one of his tailored suits. Changing out of his clothes from yesterday and into his dark blue suit, he hurried out of the building, Tori's case folder left on his desk.

With his expensive sports car parked at Ethan's house, Jericho was stuck with taking a cab for the day. The drive was a close fifteen minutes and Jericho was hurrying across the almost vacant parking lot. Jericho spotted a familiar face just outside the prison entrance.

Daisy sat on the wooden bench, her brown hair covering her face, as she bounced her left knee up and down, while wringing her hands together.

Jericho stood in front of her, the silence of the parking lot allowing him to hear Daisy's quiet crying.

"Daisy, what's wrong and why are you here ?" Jericho asked, his important appointment pushed to the back of his mind.

Daisy looked up at Jericho with red eyes and puffy cheeks. "Go back to Lillian."

Jericho sighed quietly. "I never had sex with Lillian. I know I shouldn't have been in the situation I was in the first place, but I really didn't sleep with your sister."

Daisy wiped the tears from her cheeks with anger. "You c-can do whatever you want, h-have sex with whoever you want."

Jericho kneeled in front of her, gently wiping a tear from her cheek with the rough pad of his thumb. "I'm really sorry, Daisy. I never intended to hurt you or my chances with you."

She looked at him with her big blue eyes, her innocence and pureness giving Jericho butterflies in his stomach. Jericho was sure, the woman in front of him was a virgin. Even if she wasn't a virgin, Jericho didn't care, her past was in the past, just like his past, -Tori-, was in the past.

"If you didn't sleep with Lillian, what were you doing?" Daisy asked, not convinced.

"After you left the party I had a lot to drink. I was really drunk and I don't remember seeing Lillian at the party, but I remember being in her room and she was touching me-"

"Jericho, please don't." Daisy looked away, but Jericho grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers, as he continued to kneel in front of her.

"You don't want the details, I get that. Just know it never went as far as us sleeping together. I was too drunk to ... perform. And honestly I never wanted Lillian."

Daisy couldn't help it, but her lips lifted into a small smile. "Was she mad? I'm surprised she didn't kick you out."

"I'll never know how she responded, because I passed out seconds later." Jericho brushed back her hair, tucking it behind her ear. "Daisy, I'm really sorry."

Daisy looked unsure whether to forgive Jericho. Yeah, he didn't have sex with Lillian, but if he would have been able then surely he and Lillian would have gone further and that would have crushed Daisy.

"Will you give me another chance? Let me take you out to dinner." Jericho was desperate. He had never had to work even a little for a woman's attention, yet for Daisy he didn't seem to mind too much.

"B-but Lillian likes you too and you might like-"

Jericho had his hand on Daisy warm neck within seconds, pulling her towards him and connecting his lips with her plump ones. Her lips were softer than he imagined, but they fit perfectly over his. Jericho moved his lips slowly over hers, praying for some type of reaction from her. When Daisy didn't move her lips with Jericho's, he was ready to pull back, but slowly movement and a soft pressure came from Daisy.

Jericho groaned, one hand on her knee and the other on her neck, drawing her closer as they continued the kiss slowly. Daisy's lips trembled softly under his, they were warm and her movements shy.

Jericho wondered if she had ever been kissed before.

Resisting the urge to deepen the kiss and explore Daisy's sweet mouth, Jericho slowed down the kiss, but nonetheless was it great. Daisy had her own hands on Jericho's body, one on his cheek and the other on his chest, slim fingers pressed over his erratic beating heart.

"I only want you, Daisy." Jericho breathed against her wet lips, silver eyes focused on her blue ones.


I had a long week but I was finally able to update! I hope you like it :) Please share this story with your friends!!

Will Jericho and Daisy finally get to go on a date or will something ruin their chances?

Was Jericho's apology good enough?

Why was Daisy crying in the prison parking lot?

First Kiss ?

Is the pace of the story okay?

-Votes: 75 & Comments: 55-

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