A Daring Situation

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Ch. 5

A Daring Situation

I was confused. Why did he say that? Was he joking or being serious? What do I do? I've only kissed one boy before and I was sort of ditching him for this at the moment. Liam looked into my eyes and had a small smile on his face. I bit my lip, he made me nervous. I could practically feel the butterflies crashing against the inside of my stomach.

"Well? aren't you going to do your dare?" Liam's voice made me weak. Once he said that I leaned in.

"Wait, I have a question."

"Um, ok, go ahead."

"Why do you want me to kiss you? I mean not that you're a bad looking guy or I don't find you attractive, I'm just wondering why me? Out of the thousands and MILLIONS of girls, why me?..." I rambled for sometime but as I did I looked directly into his eyes. Those chocolate brown eyes pulled me into them. Once I finished, he chuckled, CHUCKLING?! Was this all a prank or something? Is this P'nked but for everyday people? That little chuckle had me curious. "Well, when I first saw you," Liam started his explanation, "I thought you were an angel. You looked so lovely and I couldn't stop looking at you. You seem so perfect. Just one kiss and I'll leave you alone, okay?"

I hope he was serious about all those things. The way he said them sounded sincere, could he be falling for me? That sounds absurd though, crazy indeed. Yet, I still have a hope that he does feel for me.

I got from the comfortable seat and stood in front of him. "I don't just kiss any guy, famous or not." I was solid and firm on my thought of his dare. With that he stood from the comfortable couch we both once sat upon. "Wow, I understand. You don't have to kiss me if you don't want to, I'm not trying to force you into anything just let me know if you do," Liam gave me a wink and a smirk came around his face, "Here's my number," he handed me a paper with, what I believe was his cell phone number. "It's my number from here so you shouldn't have too much on your bill."

We were standing pretty close, I could feel the warmth radiating from his body. From his facial expression I could tell he wanted me. "I know what you're trying to do," I said angered.

"Shh, don't say anything anymore," Liam placed his index finger on my lips to hush me. He slid his finger across my jawline and let his hand through my hair. He rapped his other arm around my waist and brought me closer to him. He didn't seem like the forceful type but I loved that he took charge. What am I saying? I shouldn't give into him but he changed me when he talked, when he touched me, when he looked into my eyes.

I hardly know him and yet he has so much power over me. I felt my willpower leave me but I had a sliver still left in me. I could feel his lips coming closer to mine. 'Just let yourself fall' said the loving voice in my head. The thing is, I couldn't.

I've only had one close set relationship and that was with the person I was suppose to be with now. I felt bad for not being there for him now when I was once there for him. Instead, I'm spending my time with a boy I've been obsessing over for about two years. Now that I'm with him, I just feel guilt overwhelming me.

The future usually is my problem but now the past is messing with that, and my head. My mind is racing, it shouldn't be though, I thought I was over him. Maybe I'm just second guessing myself because I couldn't believe what was going on right now? I'm probably just dreaming.

Before I could pinch myself to prove it, I could feel Liam's arm take my in a bit closer than we already where. I looked into his eyes and said, "I hope I do this right."

I rose to the tips of my toes and kissed him. It was the best fifteen seconds of my life. It wasn't anything other than lips pressed to lips. I almost couldn't stop myself. His lips were so soft that I swear, they were like clouds. I could cross off kissing a famous person off my bucket list.

"You did just fine," Liam told me, a small smile formed across his face. THE Liam Payne just told ME that I was good at kissing! I wanted to squeal so loud and spill everything to my friends but I'm pretty sure they were just as lucky as me, maybe a little extra more.

"Listen, I never back down a dare so don't get your hopes up too high, ok?" I sternly told him.

"Ok, ok, so now you have to ask me." Liam let me free from his loving hold.

"Truth or dare?"


"Why'd you give me that dare? I thought you still loved Danielle?" He set himself on the comfortable hotel couch.

"I do love her but not in that sense," Liam started to focus on the hot top, "She wasn't in love with me anymore and we had to take a break."

"What? Did everything just fizzle or ... What happened?" On that, I sat next to him, closer than I would have any other boy I barely knew.

"I was so caught up with my career and I never knew she was slipping through my fingers," He hung his head in disappointment between his hands. "She was long gone before I could save us, I wasn't there when she needed me."

"But that's something you couldn't help much, I mean you both had hectic lives so somewhere along the lines this was going to happen." I know what I said wasn't very comforting but I'm not an expert on things like that. It didn't seem to make him feel any better but it didn't make him cry either.

I heard him take in a deep breath and let out a loud sigh. I rubbed my hand on his back in circles as if he was a newborn falling to sleep. He rubbed his eyes with his elbows resting on his thighs. "I loved her and she threw my heart away."

"But you ignored her even though it wasn't on purpose, it hurt her too."

"She could have told me. I would have listened to her-"

"When you had the chance? Which was, what, hardly ever?"

He hung his head in a shameful way. I didn't mean to make him feel horrible but he needed to hear this. Daniella had to move on with her life and he was left behind in shambles over it. She's probably over and done with him, he couldn't wrap it around his head until now. This very moment.

I talked to him for the rest of the night. Luckily it was a Friday night and I told my dad I would be with the girls at Le Confort de la Maison, Ever's uncle's hotel. My dad is usually fine with me being there. He's become great friends with Mr. Green and they help other with promotional events.

Liam and I talked about their concert, our families and tons of other things. I told him about my mom. It was a perfect way to meet such a sweet and compassionate guy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2013 ⏰

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