The Beginning

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A/N: Whoop Whoop I'm so glad about this chapter because it sets up the whole story and you sort of start learning more about Niaomi and her past a bit . I hope you guys out there start reading and Vote and comment on my story .

"Ugh I hate finals with a passion," said Serena as she practically collapsed on my full size bed. "Ah-greed," we all said in unison going to our usual study spots at my house. "Naomi do you even need to study? I mean honestly," announced Everlasting while stuffing her face with Flaming hot chips and practically downing them with sparkling water. I just rolled my eyes.

I don't like talking about myself at all especially not my "gift". When I here that word it aggravates me. Why is it a gift ? I see it as a curse, why did I have to know the future? It's been like that since I can remember. The first "dream" I remember was of my mother's death. The impact didn't effect me when the drunk driver hit us but for her it was a different story. I was four then, I'm 15 now but in no time soon I'll be 16! Luckily my dad owns one of the hottest teen club chain in America. The clubs bring in some of the top teen and young adult stars in music, tv, movies and pretty much every way of fame. I over hear some of his conversations with the celebs managers about security and basically having them as comfortable as possible.

Last weekend a girl group from Britain called Little Mix stopped by and it was a blast to hang out with them. We talked about pretty much everything especially boys. The girls won X Factor in the UK and I've been a fan since I've met them. Los Angeles, The city of Angels, well that's basically true. I just hope my dreams come true. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to be a choreographer and the girls said the would love for me to come on tour with them as a background dancer or even as their choreographer.

After studying for a while I decided it was time for some music to fill the room because I can't think straight without it. I walked to my little portable radio and turned the station dial to 108.2 Pop fm . At that exact moment, Boyfriend by Justin Bieber came on as if was right on time. I growled because this song was getting annoying I mean I love Justin's music and it would be total awesome sauce to even meet him but that one song is just over played. So I changed it to another station 106.5 Hit That Track fm. "EEEEEKKKKKKKKKK!!!!," Serena screamed extra loud than usual. "...Tonight let's get some, and live while we're young," sang the radio. "Ugh! the damn radio stations need to get some new songs!" I yelled with frustration "This only comes on every 10 minutes." I just cut the damn thing off. "Awww, pourqoui Madame?" wined Serena. "Because it's my radio maybe?" I stated the obvious fact,"Also because the radio station DJ's need to learn when a song is over played." "OMG I WANT YOUR PARTY TO HAPPEN ALREADY!" shouted Delancey over the fake sobs of Everlasting and Serena. "Get back to work!" her man voice wasn't quite manly but it got the attention of the girls as they slowly looked to one another and had a laugh fest over the playful way we talked to one another.

Everlasting, Serena, and Delancey have been great friends to me since I've moved out to Southern California so about when I was 7. We all had a "gift" and that's the thing that brought us together. Well not Serena, she just ended up living next door but to our surprise she can heal wounds. Internal and external, she's the "fun" one of all of us. Everlasting Love, yes that is her real name, is the show stopper of our group. She knows what everyone is thinking basically because she reads minds. I didn't even have to tell her my "talent" but it would have been better if I would have told her ya know? Ever is sorta punk-ish but I guess what boys love about her. That and she knows exactly what they like. Delancey is like the mother hen between all of us. She's terribly scared of using her "power". Last time she took the body of one of the most mysterious kids at school, Devin Pickett. She didn't tell us anything about it so we knew it was bad. Ever tried to pick her brain but she some how locked her out. Sometimes I wish I could lock Ever out. She's so nosy it's not even funny.

There was a knock at my bedroom door and the four of us turned our heads almost simultaneously towards the direction of my father's figure. Travis Evan, a strong man. On top of owning his teen club chain, he still takes care of me. He goes to the gym quite a lot and you can tell especially when he wears his GAP plain t-shirts. They hug him as if they where my mom... Cindy Frazier, it's hard to mention her name. She was an up and coming model. She was like the poster child of modeling. Tall, lean, long cascading dark raven hair. Dad always says he reminds me of her. I can only remember her by the sight of our crash right before it happened.

"Girls, it's getting kind of late and you all have your first set of finals coming up tomorrow," my dad told us all. "He's right you guys," chimed in Ever, "I should go, my parents would have a heart attack if I don't leave before the street lights came on." With that said the girls called home to their parents, well not Serena since she lives to the right of my house.

With their farewells and mine all done and over, Dad and I sat at the counter top table to have dinner. "Yummm! is this your special sauce in the casserole?" I asked him and he replayed with a simple nod of the head. "Have you decide on the theme of your party yet?" he asked me with his mouth still full of the delectable meal. "Dad! No talking with your mouth full! But yes I know exactly what the theme should be...masquerade!" I've always loved the idea of hiding behind a mask and dressing up fancy to a party. "It's going to be just perfect, I just know it."

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