Special Chapter: The Beauty Contest!

Start from the beginning

Her eyes immediately shone and sparkled. "Oh, all the way, Ellie!" It wasn't too long ago that Lucy started calling me Ellie for short of my name. I actually really liked it, too.

"Good! So then you'll cheer me on?"

"Well, no. We're competing against each other, remember? But I'll be super happy if you do win!" She gave me a wink and a thumbs up.

"Right, right," I said with innocence, then pumped my fists in confidence. "But I think we both know who's going to win!"

She sweat-dropped. "Let's just have the contest do the talking."


Fairy Tail changed its whole guild hall for the contest. Everything was drenched in streamers, banners, and confetti. This was obviously one of the biggest contests of the year, and I was excited to see how it would go.

"Are you ready, Elena?" Wendy skipped up to me. "I can't wait to see what you're going to do!"

I smiled at her. She looked adorable in her sparkly green dress that had no straps and went down to the middle of her thighs. Her white flats and white flowers in her pig tails added to the cute look. "Me either! And I can't wait to see your act, too. Break a leg, okay?"

"What? Why?" Wendy gave me a confused look.

I sweat-dropped. "Um...it was a figure of speech, Wendy. It means good luck."

"Oh! You too!" She blushed in embarrassment, then ran off to get herself ready. I chuckled.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Max was the announcer for the event, and I looked up at the stage of Fairy Tail as he spoke into the microphone lacrima. "Are you ready to see some beautiful ladies compete in how beautiful they are?"

Everyone cheered, and I quickly rushed to the sidelines, taking my place in line. I happened to be last, which was another sign that I would be the best. I looked over at Natsu, and he was hungrily eating away at a whole barbecued chicken with Happy. I grinned as he stared at Max while listening to him.

"Our first contestant is one that has been here for only a short time, but she knows how to make beautiful as well as deadly!" Max moved his arm, and Juvia smiled in her blue and white outfit. I could see her looking at Gray, blushing. "Juvia, show us your cutes!"

Cutes? That was a new one for me. But I shook my head to look at Juvia again. She let out a wink towards Gray, and immediately a whirlpool of water surrounded her body. In no time flat, Juvia was wearing a super cute blue bikini, posing for the audience. The boys immediately went into a testosterone madness, except for Gray and Natsu, of course.

"I hope you got that, my love!" Juvia took her hand and blew a kiss to him, but he just sat there in annoyance. Wow. Gray had no interest whatsoever. It must have been extremely hard on her every time she was turned down.

The contest continued with Lucy going up next, doing a routine with Plue and Virgo of a little dance in bathing suits. It wasn't until after I saw Mirajane in a swimsuit too that I let out an annoyed sigh. They should have called this guild the Fairy Perve.

Cana was up right before me, and I had no idea what her routine was going to be until she let out a pink underwear body. This time I groaned. What the hell were they thinking? Was this really what I was competing with?

"And now, for the final act!" Max announced, making my heart pump in excitement. "This girl has been with us for almost a year now, and she not only has a pretty face but a pretty amazing throw!" I giggled at his intro. "Give it up for Elena Throwbell!"

I skipped up onto the stage, and twirled in my light orange dress before I bowed to the crowd. They cheered and clapped, ready to see what I had in store for them. I stood up, taking the microphone. "Are you guys ready to see some real fairy magic?" They cheered, and I let off a wink. "Okay, if you say so!" I pulled out my four girls, and threw them into the air.

With the contest stickers I had in my bag, each ball let out their energy and designs of beautiful shapes in accordance to the type. Glaceon had snowflakes, Espeon had pink swirls, Vaporeon had blue bubbles, and Sylveon let out pink and white sparkles.

They all did a little pirouette, and winked. All of the girls in the audience shrieked in happiness, and I started the routine. Glaceon and Vaporeon used Water Gun and Ice Beam into the air above, and Espeon grabbed them with Psychic. All three of them started to draw a picture, and everyone gave out a look of wonder as they progressed. When it was done, the audience let out a cheer in awe at how perfect the Fairy Tail emblem was made.

"Now, Sylveon!" I said into the microphone. "Let's give them a Moonblast!" Sylveon leaped up into the air over the emblem, and did her move. The emblem exploded into tiny shards of ice, making the whole room sparkle and shine in the dim light. Sylveon landed while moving her ribbons, and all of the girls did a bow, with Eevee finishing off with a smile and pose in the front.

Everyone screamed. I could tell that that act was not only the best in the contest, but also the best that anyone has ever seen. I winked, and waved to them. "Thanks, everyone! Please vote for us!"

I noticed Natsu had his arms crossed in contentment with a small grin on his face, and Lucy stared at me in amazement at what she just saw.


"Second place?!" I yelled into the guild hall as I stated at the results of the contest. "How the hell did Erza beat me?!"

"She wins every year. It's by default." Lucy explained.

"You mean to tell me that there was no point in even trying to win?!" My nostrils were flaring in rage, but then I fell to the floor in sadness. "But we worked so hard..." Streams of tears shot out of my eyes like two fountains as I sobbed. "And I wanted to win!"

Lucy let out an exasperated sigh. "And now you know how I felt last year..."

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