Sisterly Love Pt 2

Start from the beginning

Alex has been a great help surprisingly,but it's good having her around since she have the child birth experience. The only problem we had now was getting Makyla back,My aunt didnt want to give her back so Alex filed for full custody of Makyla and me and Chris were doing everything we can to help.

I  met a new friend name Sheron,we met at the mommy and me class,she had her baby 3 months ago but she still comes to help first time mothers.She is a professional dancer and she is funny as hell but keep it real while making sure your comfortable .We became close,so close that i told her everything about me and she told me the same and honestly I try not to trust people so much giving the fact that my last real friend tried to fuck my nigga right under my nose but the vibe I get from her is so much different but im hoping that stays.

Today was Friday and it was great weather for it to be August so me,Cierra and Alex decided to do something and give Chris a break to work on his music so we stayed at my other house.

It was 7pm and we was cleaning up everything Toya left behind.Cierra came in the kitchen and took a water bottle from the refrigerator.I sat at the table and did some work on my laptop,She sat across from me.

"So how is work going"

"Fine just wish i had more to do"she laughed

"No you dont,you say that now but when you have so much to do youll start complaining "

"Yea if you think so"just then Alex and Sheron walked in.

"Glad yall here,I wanted to talk to you 2"I said staring at Alex and Cierra they both looked at each other than at me

"About what"Alex asked sitting next to me Sheron stood by me

"How would you both feel about moving here"I asked,they looked at me and smiled

"Are you serious Milly"Alex said giving me a hug

"Yes,there are 3 bed rooms so its more than enough room and yall not strangers to each other so"Cierra gave me a hug

"Camil thank you so much"Cierra said

"Well thats nice"Sheron said smiling

"I hate to miss more of this beautiful moment but i have to go"She said

"Where you going"I asked

"I have to go pick up my son from his father so i will see you later baby cakes"she gave us a hug and left

"Ok im not helping you guys pack so your on your own"They laughed

My phone rung,i looked at it and it was Chris so i answered it.


"Babe are you ready to come home yet"Chris asked

"Yea i will be there in like 30 minutes"I said getting up

"Ok coo,I'll be there in 20 minutes so wait for me"i laughed

"Ok father see you later,Can you bring me some clothes too"I said 

"Ight"he hung up

I started gathering my work papers.

"Where you goin"Cierra asked helping me

"Nowhere, Chris coming over"

"Well I know what that means,We'll see you tomorrow then"Alex said making me laugh

"Girl stop it,Just make sure you're all packed by tomorrow,I'll see you at the house"I said 

"Actually I'll be spending the night at a friends so I'll just meet you here tomorrow"She said 

After they left I finished sat on the couch and finished some work...

"Hey babe"Chris said walking in sitting the bags on the floor next to the couch,I gave him a kiss before he sat next to me 

"Hey,did you have fun"I asked as he took my foot placing it in his lap before he started rubbing it

"Yea a lot ,What about you"He asked

"It was ok,rather been in bed"he laughed

I sat back and looked at how good he looked.He noticed and looked at me.

"What you looking at"He asked

"You"he smiled


"Because you fine"he bit his lip and smiled

"Well you are too"he kissed me and i smiled

"Why thank you"I said

"Damn I cant wait to fuck the shit outta you "i laughed

"Chris don't start"

"Yea i know"i got up

"Where you goin"He asked taking my hand

"To take a shower,eat then go to sleep"

"Ok let me know when you can use some company"i laughed and went upstairs.

After I ate I put on a movie and while Chris was in the shower I heard someone bamming on the door so i ran downstairs.

Team Breezy

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