You Did What?! (Part 2)

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"Andre's hurt"

She didn't need to say any more. I took off running farther into the city. I used my side of the bond to lead me as I ran faster. I reached the Main House and dashed inside. I took the stairs two at a time to the third floor. It had been converted to our makeshift hospital while they built a real one.

I turned right, still relying on the mate bond. Near the end of the hall I spotted Lukah sitting in a chair and turned into that room. Andre was laying on a twin sized bed. A bottle of pain medication sat on the bedside table. The left side of his face was purple and swollen. He had scrapes all up and down his arms. It hurt just to look at him.

"Andy! What the Hell happened to you?" He grimaced.

"Did you really need to shout?" He whined.

"Sorry" I said, feeling guilty. In a more hospital friendly voice level I reiterated my question.

He didn't respond. I saw him shoot a glance at Lukah who, now that I was paying attention, looked pretty beat up too.

"If one of you doesn't tell me in the next ten seconds I'll-"

Lukah cut me off quickly. "Chill out Lil. It was my fault. We were hanging out, messing around, and the discussion got a little touchy." He paused, as if he were trying to decide whether to continue. I watched him expectantly. "I... ah... punched him in the face. He hit me back and we kinda beat the crap out of each other, but it's all cool now." He scratched the back of his head and avoided my gaze. It's all cool now? It most certainly is not.

Andre had the ghost of a smile on his face. It looked unnaturally creepy with the bruises.  No one hurts my mate. Especially not my twin. "How bad?" I asked Lukah.

"I may have broken his nose..."

"YOU DID WHAT?!" My shouting voice was back. I wanted to break Lukah's nose I was so angry. "We have graduation in three days Luke. THREE DAYS! How is the council going to feel when Andre shows up with a bandaged nose! They won't even let the girls wear heels less than four inches high. People don't heal that quickly.  You want to be in the guard? Not happening. Do you know what they are going to think? They are going to think that you have no control, that you don't have the patience to protect this community. This is one of the stupidest thing you have ever done Lukah. Ever!" I hadn't take a single breath during my rant, so by the end my lungs were burning, but I couldn't be bothered to give a crap. The tiny little logical part of me knew that most of this anger was because Lukah hurt my mate, but I didn't really give a crap about that either.

"Lily. It's all right. Doc said that most of the bruising should be gone by graduation. She already popped the bone back, so I can take the bandages off in a couple of hours. Besides I'm fine. And we're guys this is normal."

"Normal?" I questioned, my voiced laced with sarcasm. "My mistake. I didn't realize that  beating up your best friend was normal!" Both boys shut up for a moment, then glanced at each other and burst out laughing.

"I'm so glad you think this is funny. Maybe if you tell the Council it was a joke they will understand." My voice was still heavily sarcastic. I scowled coldly at the two boys.

Luke was brave enough to say something. "Lil. I love that you care enough to be angry, and you're just being responsible, but seriously- just shut up." Andre's grin spread as Lukah spoke and he cracked up laughing all over again.

"Don't you have a shadow to be at?" I spat. Andre had finished his last shadowing this morning, but I knew for a fact that Luke had at least one more.

"Ah crap. I gotta go. Don't want the Council to be even more pissed off than they already are. I'll drop by your house later, OK?" Lukah was out the door before Andre could even finish nodding.

"Thank goodness that he's gone." I muttered. "As for you," I said as I turned my attention to Andre. "Don't do anything else stupid. At least until graduation."
"Yes ma'am." His grin ruined the guilty act.

"I'm serious Andre"

"I know."

"Don't be stupid." I stared straight into his eyes. His answer was more serious this time.

"I won't. I promise."

"Good. I'm going to go home and take a nap."
"You could always sleep here" He said, gesturing to his bed. My cheeks flushed scarlet at the thought.

"I'm just going to-" I didn't even finish the sentence before making my embarrassed escape.

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