Party Games and Murdered Rabbits (Part 2)

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Being forced to shift was one of the most agonizing experiences in the world. It was one thing to be in wolf form and have control over your actions, it was a whole other thing when you were unable to remember what had happened while you were out. It left you guessing the next day. No one truly understood why the moon had such control over us, and after years of research it seemed no one ever would. It was just another part of the curse that we had to live with.

We had made it to the valley with little time to spare. It was getting dangerously dark by the time we arrived. We sat in a circle, no one speaking, awaiting the agony that was sure to come. We didn't have to wait very long.

My gums ached as I felt my canines pushing through. It was beginning. My fingernails grew into long claws that could cut like knives. Every little bone in my back cracked as my spine rearranged itself. I cried out in pain, but it didn't help. Nothing could help me now. Just as the transformation was coming to an end the wolf in me took over, and I blacked out.


The first thing I noticed as I gained back consciousness was how cold it was. I got very cold very easily, and it didn't help that I was naked. The late November air chilled me to the bone.

I sat up groggily and scanned the area. I couldn't see anyone else from where I was. In fact, I had no idea where I was. Everything around me seemed new. I rubbed my eyes and felt something wet on my hands. I looked down at my hands only to find them covered in blood. What have I done?  

I shot to my feet, and followed the scent of blood. I didn't even care that I still wasn't wearing any clothes. Tracking quickly I made my way through the dense forest. As I ran dread seeped into my thoughts. There was always the chance that when we blacked on a full moon someone would get hurt, but Jess, Kat, and I picked this place because it was so far from everything else. What if you hurt one of the wolves? I wouldn't have been able to hurt Kyle, Andre, or even Jess, but I could have easily taken Kaitlin or Carlee. Worry began to crush my heart, as I considered that possibility.

I ran faster. I needed to find the source of the blood quickly, so that I could help the person if they needed it. What if it was a human? I stopped that thought cold. No one was out here. No human would be stupid enough to come this far from the trails.

I heard someone running next to me and froze in my tracks. The other person must have noticed because they stopped as well. I could hear them coming closer, but I couldn't tell who it was yet.

"Hey Blue. Put these on. I promise not to look" Andre's voice rang out. My cheeks burned with embarrassment when I realized that I was still naked. Something soft hit my face and fell to the ground. I picked it up to find a sports bra and basketball shorts. I debated whether to put on the clothes or keep searching, but decided that it would be easier to find the source of the blood with Andre's help.

"I'm decent" I called. Andre materialized from behind a tree and approached me slowly.

"Please tell me that's not blood"

"I would be lying if I did."

"Where is it from?" He looked at me with concern, and it made my heart soar.

"That's what I was trying to figure out." He came closer and reached for my hands. He pulled his hand away and sniffed the blood, then began laughing.

I scowled at him. It wasn't funny.

"Are you a sociopath or something?" He continued to laugh as I glared. Finally he regained his composure and answered

"No. It's just funny to picture you hurting a little fur ball" I scowled.

"What do you mean?"

"Come on. I'll show you." Andre held out his hand and I eyed it warily. "I won't bite. And the blood doesn't scare me." I placed my hand in his and began to follow. I tried my hardest to ignore how good it felt to be holding his hand. He didn't feel the same way, and I needed to remember that.

"Just a little farther." Farther to what? Finally he stopped and pointed at something. "That is why I was laughing. You killed a little rabbit."

I got closer and found a small grey rabbit carcass covered in bite marks. I was relieved that I hadn't hurt a person, but horrified that I had killed something so innocent.

"I see nothing humorous about this situation." I stated.

"It isn't funny that the rabbit is dead, it's just funny to think about sweet little Lily doing it." He explained.

"We both know that there is nothing sweet about my wolf form." He sighed.

"I know. C'mon let's get you home, and get this blood off of you." Andre said.


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