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"Honey, I'm home!" He shouted to his wife who was in the kitchen preparing dinner.

She came out of the kitchen, slightly running towards him and threw her arms around his neck.

"I missed you," she said kissing his cheek.

He cupped her cheeks and gave her a real kiss.

He looked at her, with nothing but love in his eyes. She returned his look. He looked down at her stomach, she was pregnant with their second baby.

"It's going to be another boy, you know." He said cheekily, knowing that it irked her so much when he said that.

"No we've already got Jasper, I'm sure this one's a girl." She said, smiling down at her large stomach.

Any day now and they'd have a new addition to their family of three. She was on maternity leave from her job as an accountant.

"Daddy! Daddy!" They heard their 2 year old running down the stairs to hug his father.

He bent down to his son's height and opened his arms wide. Their son looked like a combination of both of them; he had his father's blue eyes and nose, his mother's brown hair and lips.

After separating from their embrace, she told them that dinner was almost ready and that she'd call them when it was.

He smiled at her, and followed her to the kitchen. Jasper following them. They both sat down at the table and he asked his wife how her day had been.

"Well, I woke up earlier than expected because of this one," she said pointing to her stomach, "she kept on moving so much I had to wake up."

He laughed at his wife's expense, she continued, "and then I took Jasper to his day nursery and went to the grocery store. What about you? How was work?"

He started to ramble about how much he hated the guy working with him, who was so cocky and arrogant it displeased him to the highest level. She laughed at him and laid out the food she prepared.

After dinner, they tucked in Jasper and bid him goodnight.

When they were in their room, he looked at her smiling and said, "I'm so lucky to have you."

She looked at him, with a small smile, "I'm the lucky one." She said looking down.

He put his finger under her chin and lifted her head up, "I love you, April."

She pecked him on the lips, "I love you too, Luke."

A/N: thank you to the ones who encouraged me to write and I can't believe I finished The Challenge.
Thank you again, I love you all so much!
Yours truly, Alya xx

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