Chapter Twelve: I Think I Wanna Marry You

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"You ready?" Joe asked as he watched his girlfriend step out of the bathroom. They had been in Dubai for three days and Joe has finally worked up the courage to do what he wanted to do.

"Yeah," Isabelle said as she collected her bag and walked towards her boyfriend while holding out her hand.

Joe smiled knowing she looked beautiful in her black and white butterfly print playsuit and black high heels; he couldn't think of a time when she didn't look beautiful.

Joe had planned this night out carefully and he was hoping it would go to plan like he wanted it too and he hope Isabelle would like what he had planned for her.


Joe took a deep breath as he watched his girlfriend getting up from her seat so she could go to the bathroom, he knew this was his opportunity to ask her.

The waiter smiled at the footballer as he gave him back his card allowing Joe to get up and leave the restaurant knowing the waiter would tell her where he had gone and would bring her out.

Joe's hands shook slightly as he walked through the red and white rose petals scattered along the floor; he couldn't believe he had managed to pull this off.

Joe quickly walked towards the photographer he had hired for the night and paid him before moving to stand where he'd be waiting for his girlfriend.

Joe had set this all up on the beach and he loved how it turned out now he was just hoping his girlfriend would love it as much as he thought she would.


"Ms. Moore? Mr. Hart asked me to show you to where he's waiting for you," the waiter said as soon as Isabelle returned to the table.

She looked at him and nodded before walking away with him wondering if Joe was actually waiting for her wherever the waiter was taking her.

Isabelle quickly stopped wondering when she saw him waiting at the end of a rose petal trail. She turned to look at the waiter who nodded and smiled at her.

Isabelle walked down the beach and stopped next to Joe who turned to look at her with a smile on his face as he took her hand.

"It's cheesy I know but I hoped you'd like it," Joe mused making his girlfriend laugh softly and nod knowing she'd love whatever he was doing right now.

"I'm really nervous and I've forgotten all of what I was going to say to you so I'll just say this," Joe said as he reached into his pocket and took out the ring box.

"I love you and you know that... We've been through so much in the seven months we've been together and I know this may be moving a little fast but I don't care," Joe said as he looked down at his girlfriend who was looking up at him wondering what he was talking about.

"I did ask your dad and Melanie this before she died and she told me she thought it was a great idea and that she liked seeing her mum happy," Joe said making his girlfriends eyes well up with tears thinking of her daughter.

"You know if I had to chose between loving you and breathing, I would use my last breath to tell you I love you," Joe said as he looked down at his feet and back up at his girlfriend as he slowly got down on one knee.

"And I want to tell you I love you everyday. Belle, will you marry me?" Joe asked making his girlfriend choke back a sob as she looked at the ring and Joe while nodding.

"Yes," Isabelle whispered making Joe smile and slip the ring on her finger while standing up and kissing her lips and wrapping his arms around her waist.

Isabelle smiled into the kiss as she wrapped her arms around Joe's neck, she couldn't believe she had just gotten engaged and she knew that Joe was the right guy for her.

Isabelle was so grateful that Joe had asked her little girl if it was okay to marry her mother and she knew if the little blue eyed girl was still here then she'd be happy to see her mother this happy.

Joe held his fiancée close as she rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. He couldn't believe she had said yes and that they were getting married. Everything seemed almost too perfect.

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