As I got into my car, my phone vibrated. One new message from Nathan:

Hey :P

I sighed deeply, and then replied with:

Hey, can we talk?

I felt like I needed Nathan right now. But what was I going to tell him? The truth? The truth hurts too much though. My train of thought was interrupted by Nathan replying:

Sure. What's up?

I sighed once again and replied:

I mean in person? If that's ok?

Nathan texted back almost immediately:

Ah I had a feeling you'd say that. Yeah sure. Starbucks in about 10 minutes?

Thank you Nathan. I said to myself in my head. Hopefully things would, I don't know, go better than they did with Jay.

Perfect. Thanks so much.

It only took about 5 minutes from where I was to get to Starbucks so I was there in plenty of time. Surprisingly it was really quiet in there apart from a group of teenage girls. I sat down and waited for Nathan. Only one other person came in. I didn't even bother to see who they were. It didn't matter to me anyway. A few minutes later Nathan walked in, looking all cheery and happy. He smiled and came over when he spotted me, but his smile vanished once he saw the look on my face.

"What's happened?" He asked, full of concern and worry.

"I don't even know where to start." I said, exasperated and playing with a piece of my hair.

"The beginning's always quite a good place."

"Alright, but you promise me that you won't interrupt me or say anything until I've finished?"

"Pinky promise." He said, playfully holding out his smallest finger. That would've normally made me smile but right now I felt as if I'd never smile again, so I just gently pushed it away. Taking a deep breath and pulling a hand through my hair, I began,

"I broke up with Jay. I'm so sorry. I love him. But I love him like a brother or a close friend. And I just didn't feel right. I felt so awful and so bad knowing that I didn't love him the way he loved me and I didn't want to lead him on any longer than I had already because it would've only hurt him even more - if that's possible. I know you're probably thinking now that I'm a terrible, terrible person but nothing felt right between us. And that was because I think, no, I know that I'm in love with someone else. And I couldn't be together with Jay knowing that. Especially when the someone whom I love is one of his closest friends. And, and that someone, is you Nathan."

I finished in a rush and then looked up at him, brown eyes facing green eyes. He looked confused.

"God, Saffron..." He sighed, "I-I honestly don't know what to say." He sat and thought for a while although to me it felt like forever. "I don't think any differently of you. I think that despite hurting Jay, you did do the right thing and I'm proud of you for that. But I, I'm sorry. I have Jenny. And I really like her."

I felt what was like my heart heaving a massive sigh and then shattering into millions of pieces. Even though I knew Nathan would've said something like that. I nodded quickly, agreeing with him and I quickly blinked back the tears.

"Ok then. Thanks Nath." I said shakily. Nathan replied with a small, apologetic smile.

"Nathan, there's - there's something else." I said to him as I slowly got up to leave,

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