Truth or dare

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Chapter eight

Zeina pov:

Leina is sitting beside neji, hinata is sitting beside yuki and I'm sitting beside diana. Look how it is in a circle we are sitting, yuki, hinata, diana, zeina, neji and leina (Leina is also beside yuki).
We put a bottle in the middle of our circle.

"You still didn't tell me how to play." Neji said annoyed from leina giggling crazily.

"We spin the bottle the thin top of the bottle the person who gives the command the end, fat part of the bottle is the one who has to do it." I said.

"Truth is for real truth and dare is something wild, you got that. Diana said." Neji just stared at her.

"What's wrong with you.... dude.... Stop staring at me." Diana said freaking out.

"She really doesn't like people staring at her." I said.

Leina then got a bag of chips from her bag, opened it and started eating.

"When did you get that." I said.

"When we were at lunch in school I bought four bags I ate two bags and now I'm eating one so I still have one left." Leina said.

"Wow..where does all your food you eat go to." Diana asked.

"To my stomach." Leina said.

"I think the other way around." Diana said.

Leina then hit diana on her arm and diana hit leina on her arm.

"Ok... let's start before someone dies here." Yuki said.

I spinned the bottle... the top landed diana and the end landed in hinata.

"Truth or dare!?" Diana asked excited.

"T-Truth..." Hinata said

"Oh hinata please choose the next time dare." I said.

"Have you ever lied?" Diana asked.

"U-umm.... I don't think I lied before." Hinata said.

"So what yes or no...?" diana asked.

"N-no..." Hinata said.

"Ok then..." diana said as she spinned the bottle... the top landed on leina and the end landed on diana.

"Truth or dare. Leina asked.

"Dare!"diana said.

"Who was the last person you had a crush on..?" Leina asked.

"Harry then Niall ... then Harry again naill and now I'm in love with harry." Diana said. (There from one direction p.s. I also love them....)

"Ok...." Leina said as she spinned the bottle... the top landed me and the end landed on yuki.

"Truth or dare." I asked him he just looked at me.

"Truth..." he answered.

"Your so boring yuki... would you ever consider kissing the person on your right?" I asked him on his right is... hinata.

"D-don't get me wrong hinata or anything but.... n-no." Yuki said blushing.

Oh he is so hiding the truth...

"I-its.. ok I don't mind.." hinata said blushing.

"Anyway..." I said as I spinned the bottle... the top landed on neji and the end landed on yuki.

"Truth..or.. dare." He said boredly.

"Truth..." Yuki said.

"Of all the people in this room, who do you think would have the most problems keeping a secret." Neji said.

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