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The crystal vase shattered on the wall, splintering into a billion reflective shards exploding away from the hard wood like a deadly firework display.

Louis winced, leaping away from where the vase impacted - right beside his head. A small shard of glass happened to make contact with his left cheek, pulling the soft pink skin apart into a small gash.

He gasped - he shouldn't have - but he did. The fresh cut stung harshly as blood trickled outwards, a bright red reminder of his boyfriend's actions.

Speaking of his boyfriend, the curly headed boy stood across the room chest heaving and eyes ablaze. His hair fell into his blazing green eyes and he left it there, too angry to be bothered.

"How dare you!?" Harry roared, his deep voice straining. Thick veins prominently stood out on his neck, pulsing.

Louis gulped, he was in for it now. He shouldn't have said anything.

"H-harry, dear," He winced,

"I just asked if I could go visit my family for Christmas."

"And leave me! Louis I can't believe you would ask me that knowing my family haven't talked to me in 2 years! Selfish..." Harry muttered, kicking the brown coffee table harshly.

"I'm not selfish Harry! I understand that you miss your family but you can't behave like this!" Louis pleaded frustratedly, eyes burning into Harry, the boy he loved.

"AM I JUST SOME CHILD TO YOU NOW?" Harry screeched, pulling at his hair.

"No! Why would you think that?" Louis replied, used to Harry's mood swings.

"You are always lecturing me on behaving. I'm not a child Louis. Do you need proof or something?" Harry shouted, reaching for his belt buckle.

"No! I don't need proof Harry. Just...forget I ever asked." He sighed, walking out of the kitchen towards the stairs.

Loud footsteps followed him as he shuffled towards the stairs tiredly. He really was tired of everything.

Just as his left foot hit the first step a hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Please don't be mad at me Louis. I just don't like being alone." Harry begged, green eyes teary.

Louis sighed.

"You can't do this every time we try to talk. You threw a bloody vase at my head! Look!" He placed a single slim finger on his cheek, avoiding the blood seeping from his wound.

"Oh my. I-I'm sorry Lou. I mean it. It won't happen again, I swear." Harry gushed, pulling a plaster out of his pocket and putting it on the cut.

It was lies. All of it. Louis knew it would happen again. It always did. Harry's sorrys no longer meant anything to Louis.

But it was best left alone.


"Thank you Boobear," Louis grimaced at the loving name, "You won't regret this...I love you." His lying emerald eyes bore into Louis' as he placed their lips together, a game that Louis had long ago began to hate. Harry's kisses were fake, he knew it.

He knew where it was heading, where Harry always did when they kissed. To their bed, so Harry could feel they'd 'fully forgiven each other.' Basically, in the form of...y'know.

Harry lifted Louis into bridal style and leaped up the stairs two at a time, hunger in his eyes.

Louis just kind of let it happen. He was used to it.


Two sky blue eyes cracked open, breaking the darkness in the silent room. Only Harry's snores interrupted the heavy silence.

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