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I waited until Marcel came out of the meeting but he didn't. Veronica told me that it usually takes hours to figure out all of the stuff they have to fix so I decided to wait for my mom to pick me up instead. I kept thinking about Marcel's different appearance. How could he reveal something like that to me? My phone started to buzz; pulling me out of my thoughts to see it was my mom calling.
"Hey Ma,"
"Hey, I'm outside the building,"
"I'll be there in a second," I hung up proceeding to walk to the soccer mom van waiting on a parking space.
"Hi sweetie, how was it?"
"It was ok just learning a lot more things than usual"
"That's fun. Let's talk about it over dinner when your papá gets home."


I was waiting in the library for Sydney the next morning, hoping to catch Marcel before class started. I kept checking my phone and as soon as it turned to 7am the sound of laughter and talking filed through the doors.
Sydney walked in who started to walk over to our table.
"Hey, you look fucked, what's wrong?"
"It's nothing, just the internship,"
"Oh, how's that going?"
"Not bad. Doing what they tell me is easy,"
"Word. Omg, the look on Marcy's face when she heard about it was priceless!"
"Childish," I looked up to find Marcel at a table near us hunched over some papers.
"Dude, I'll see you in 2nd. I gotta go sort some things out,"
"Alright see ya,"
I picked up my backpack immediately heading over to the table he was at.
"Marcel!" He jumps and looks at me alarmed before smiling.
"Good morning Madison, how are you?" His voice was back to the high sort of pitch tone he "has"
"Don't play, you know why I'm here."
"Because we are all obligated to attend school?"
He laughed at his joke while beginning to pick up his things.
"I have to go to class,"
"I'll walk with you. I have questions."
We start heading out the doors and walk towards a locker bay near his classroom.
"I want to know how-"
"I can look like that?" My mouth drops as his deep voice comes back out of nowhere. "You stood up for me when Ross was harassing me. No one really does that anymore,"
"He had no right to do that. He's a bi-"
"Thank you, for doing that" we stayed quiet for a few seconds just staring at each other.
"I was only doing what's right... We just met, why would you reveal something like that to me?" He watched someone pass by and waited until they were gone.
"You seem like someone I can be close with. Someone I can trust.
"What if you're wrong?"
"Am I?" Damn, he wasn't wrong. He actually knew he was right.
"So what do you say Madison; friends?" He looked at me with a small smile and I felt myself smiling too. "Alright then, friends."

Finally got something out! Sorry for grammar edits!

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