The killer has left the building

Start from the beginning

"Morning sickness, huh?" I asked, the answer to her illness finally hitting me. Lila waved her hand at me and I started pulling the robe over my head while trying to ignore the sounds she was making. A brief knock at the door later, Brandon was poking his head inside, the look on his face priceless.

"Three minutes, judge." He announced and hurried to close the door. Grabbing a napkin and handing it to Lila, I waited for my best friend to wipe around her mouth before attempting to leave the room.

"Have you told Kevin?" She huffed, taking a deep breath.

"Why would I tell him since I'm getting rid of it anyway?" By it, she was reffering to the baby, obviously. I couldn't recognize my friend in the woman she'd become though. "I told him I must be coming down with a stomach flu or something and that explanation seemed to be enough to him for now." Reaching for the bottle of water waiting onto my desk for her, Lila took a sip. "I wish I wouldn't have to lie to him, but right now it's for the best, Jules. You understand that, right?" I nodded just to get it over with. I didn't have time to get into an argument with her right now. Neither of us had the time for that.

Walking to the door, I planned a long conversation with my friend for the next day. She didn't know that yet, of course, but I also planned to fill her in on our appointed discussion at some point. Lila followed up close and we both walked past Brandon and down the hallway.

The first person I noticed after reaching the courtroom was Mathew. He was formally suited, the white shirt and black tie he was wearing making me think of The men in black. Yet something was wrong. I couldn't see Gabriel anywhere. The moment he also caught sight of me, Mathew was unstoppable. He charged towards me like a bullet.

"He's looking for you. He knows you'd seen him with Stephanie yesterday. You need to talk to him before the trial starts, judge." He whispered urgently, obviously fighting to keep his composure. Shaking my head, I did my best not to grit my teeth at the memory of Gabriel sleeping next to Stephanie. In his bedroom. In his bed. With his wife. My conscience added.

"I can't. The trial is about to start. Now go find him and get him here, if you know what's best for him." Shaking Mathew's hand off of me, I moved past him, making my way through the courtroom and taking a seat behind my huge, wooden desk. Cacy was already there, looking through her files, a deep frown marring her forehead. Lifting her head from the papers scattered on the table, she gave me a nasty glare filled with hatred.

The doors opened again and Lila stepped into the courtroom followed by none other than Gabriel himself. His eyes met mine, the deep pulls of warm hazel staring into my icy blues. Pulling the chair for Lila and waiting for her to take her seat, Gabriel then sat down himself, his eyes not once leaving mine. There was such an intensity in the way he was looking at me that I couldn't help but squirm a little.

Brandon was the last one to arrive this time, the door closing behind him and everybody in the room taking their seats. After announcing the beginning of the trial, my bailif took a step back, allowing the accusation to stand up and approach the court. Cacy didn't waste a moment, standing up from her chair and heading for my desk.

"Your honor, the prosecution calls for Gabriel Shaffer." Oh, so she going straight for the kill again, huh?

Gabriel stood up from his seat deliberately slow, making Cacy flush in annoyance. I don't need to mention the fact that he approached the bench slower even, do I? Plus, he did all that without even glancing at me. The moment he sat down, though, his eyes searched mine, a smirk pulling at his lips.

"What is your current job, Mr Shaffer?" Gabe smiled this time, showing some of his perfectly white teeth.

"I own a security company." His voice was low, menacing and clear.

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