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"He really wanted to be the one to drive you to work today, you know?" Mathew's low rumble caught my attention, making me realise that I hadn't said a word since I'd climbed into the car. "If it wasn't for that... Unexpected situation, you can be sure that he would have been the one driving this car now, not me." And I really wanted to believe him.

"Come on, Mathew! We both know what sort of man Gabriel is. If it wasn't for that unexpected situation, then it would have been something else that required his immediate attention. I'm not a top priority, but that's ok. I've never wanted to be one." What a sneaky little liar you've become... My conscience hissed, making me grit my teeth in annoyance.

"I know what you must think." Mathew shook his head. "I can even guess what he'd told you." Well, of course he could guess. God only knew how many women had been complaining to him about Gabriel in the past. Too bad I wasn't one of those women... "Whatever you may think though, you should know that it's different with you... He's different with you..." I knew that he was acting differently with me than with the others -he'd said that himself- but I'll be damned if I could tell why or how.

"What was it, actually, all about, this morning?" Was I expecting an honest answer? Not really... Was I expecting an answer at all? Absolutely not.

"Stephanie... She's..." This was probably the first time Mathew was finding it hard to find the right words. I decided to make his job easier.

"One of Gabriel's proteges?" His eyes widened a fraction, his head turning toward me.

"You're calling him Gabriel." Ok... What the fuck was so wrong about me calling the man I was sleeping with by his first name? He had dozens of other girls he claimed not to give a crap about calling him Gabriel. Why wasn't I allowed to?

"Not always. But, coming to think of it, why wouldn't I?" The Stephanie thing could wait if I was finally going to get an answer to this question.

"I don't know, judge. Truth to be told, it's none of my business. This is something for the two of you to talk about." Right... That was never going to happen. Gabriel had made that much clear. "You look great today, by the way." Glancing down at my borrowed red dress, I tried to smile. I might've looked good, but I sure as hell didn't feel good wearing somebody else's clothes.

"I think I have Stella to thank for looking good today. It was either one of her dresses or my birth suit considering the bastard hid my clothes." An amused laugh escaped Mathew. I should've known he'd find it funny.

"That sounds like him." I couldn't know that. The man could take me to the heights of pleasure with only one touch, but I still knew so little about him. "About the protege thing... I think you look too much into it. That's all they are -proteges. I bet Gabriel already explained to you what that means and what it implies." A bitter smile pulled at my lips.

"Yes, he did. He also admitted to having slept with them, though." Mathew thoughtfully nodded.

"He used to, that's true. It's been a while since then." My conscience was screaming to push for information, whereas my heart begged of me not to. My conscience was the strongest bitch winning.

"What do you mean by 'a while'?" I asked, mostly whispering the words. His upper lip curled into a smirk.

"Remember that time you walked in on..." I could already feel my cheeks turning red. I couldn't let him finish.

"I remember." His smirk grew bigger, his eyes staying on the road.

"Well, that was the last time I'd seen him with a girl. Except for you, obviously." What was that supposed to mean? Was I supposed to be happy that Gabriel wasn't cheating on me, or was I supposed to feel worried that he was holding back from his needs because of me? He was different, Mathew had said. Had I made him different? Was I turning him into a different person? Was that even a good thing? "Judge?" I glanced up, noticing Mathew watching me carefully. "We're here. Do you need a moment?" A moment for what? This wasn't even supposed to affect me anyhow. I knew what Gabriel expected of me and also what to never expect from him. He didn't believe in love and I wasn't stupid enough as to believe that could change.

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